Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to Agriculture IV Cash Crops 2 ICSE Class 10 Geography Questions below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions that have come in previous years. This will help you to understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 Geography and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams
ICSE Class 10 Geography Agriculture IV Cash Crops 2 Important Questions
Students should learn the important questions and answers given below for Chapter Agriculture IV Cash Crops 2 in Geography for ICSE Class 10. These board questions are expected to come in the upcoming exams. Students of ICSE Class 10th should go through the Important questions and answers ICSE Class 10 Geography which will help them to get more marks in exams.
Board Exam Questions Agriculture IV Cash Crops 2 ICSE Class 10 Geography
Question. How is the Black tea processed ? OR Mention the methods of processing of tea.
Answer: In processing Black Tea the following steps are taken:
(i) Withering : The gathered leaves are first withered or dried in the sun for a day or two to extract moisture.
(ii) Rolling : They are then rolled mechanically between steel rollers to break up the fibres. The leaves are dried again or baked lightly over charcoal fires, until they become reddish brown in colour.
(iii) Fermentation : The leaves are allowed to ferment and this reduces the amount of tannic acid in the tea by half, but does not impair its flavour.
(iv) Drying : Further fermentation is checked by roasting and drying the leaves over a fire or in an oven until they are black in colour.
(v) Blending : Expert blenders and tea-tasters further blend the various grades of tea to give it special aroma and make many proprietary brands.
Question. How does the process of harvesting of coffee cultivation takes place ?
Answer: (i) Harvesting of coffee may begin in the third year after planting but is sually done in the fourth or fifth year.
(ii) Coffee picking is done by hand by removing the ripe berries from the stalk.
(iii) Indiscriminate picking of both ripe and unripe berries results in coffee beans of inferior quality which fetch low prices.
Question. State the temperature required for the growth of tea ?
Answer: (i) The ideal maximum monthly temperature is 24ºC to 30ºC.
(ii) When the maximum temperature in shade falls below 24ºC or the minimum temperature below 18ºC, the growth is retarded.
Question. Which is the most important beverage crop of West Bengal?
Answer: Tea is the most important beverage crop of West Bengal.
Question. State the rainfall distribution for the growth of tea plant.
Answer: (i) The tea plants grow well in a humid climate, and cannot stand long spells of dry weather at any time of the year.
(ii) It must have abudant rainfall at least 150 cm, well distributed throughout the year.
(iii) In Assam tea areas, the annual rainfall averages between 125 cm and 375 cm, while in Duars and Darjeeling districts it ranges from 250 cm to 500 cm.
Question. What factors affect the rapid development of young tea leaves ?
Answer: High humidity, heavy dew and morning fog are good for the rapid development of young tea leaves.
Question. Name three states which produce long staple cotton.
Answer: Gujarat, Punjab and Maharashtra produce long staple cotton.
Question. Name the different varieties of tea grown in India.
Answer: Black, green, oolong, brick are the varieties of tea grown in India.
Question. What conditions favour the growth of tea in the Nilgiri ?
Answer: Conditions that favour the growth of tea in the Nilgiris are :
(i) Nilgiri hills experience rainfall throughout the year.
(ii) High humidity, heavy dew and moming fog experienced here are good for rapid development of young leaves.
(iii) Slopes of the hills provide good drainage.
Question. Give two examples of plant fibre crops.
Answer: Cotton and jute are plant fibre crops.
Question. Why is blending necessary for tea?
Answer: Blending is necessary for tea to give it special aroma and to make many proprietary brands.
Question. State the steps involved in processing of black tea.
Answer: The steps involved in processing of black tea are 1. Withering, 2. Rolling, 3. Fermentation, 4. Drying, 5. Blending.
Question. What is Green tea ?
Answer: Green tea is not dried in the sun but in ovens after the leaves are steamed in large vats and crushed in machines. It is not fermented. This variety of tea is consumed in China and the Far East.
Question. What do you mean by the term retting ?
Answer: Jute is dried and stripped of unwanted leaves and is put in water and allowed to rot. This process, known as retting.
Question. State the soil conditions that favour the growth of jute.
Answer: (i) Jute grows best on the soil enriched by new alluvium brought by river inundation.
(ii) Loamy soils are most suitable for jute production as water sinks quickly into it.
(iii) The clayey soil gives the heaviest yield but the fibre is sticky.
(iv) Sandy soils produce coarse fibre.
Question. Write a short note on processing of cotton.
Answer: After harvesting the cotton crop passes through the following process:
(i) After the cotton has been picked, either by machine or by hand, it is ginned. Ginning is a process used to separate the fibers or lint from the seeds and the short fibres or linters which adhere to them
(ii) The seeds may be crushed to yield oil, the residue being used for cattle fodder.
(iii) The cotton lint (fibre) itself is baled for transport to the manufacturing regions.
(iv) The fibres are washed and then combed to form a rope – like mass of fibers known as sliver.
(v) The silver is fed to the spindles and spun to make cotton yarn.

Question. Name the leading producer of tea in India. What factors have helped it become the leading state ?
Answer: Assam the leading producer of tea in India.
Factors :
(i) The slopes of hill provide good drainage.
(ii) Annual average rainfall between 125 cm to 375 cm.
(iii) Well drained, deep friable loamy soil.
Question. Explain the seed method of cultivation of tea.
Answer: (i) Tea plants can be raised from tea seeds. High quality seeds are sown in well prepared nurseries.
(ii) The saplings are transplanted within a year in the proposed tea gardens at the distance of one metre on all four sides.
(iii) Soil must be depend have a moden ately open texture.
Question. Name two articles made of jute.
Answer: Carpets, rugs, twine etc. are made of jute.
Question. Explain cutting method of tea plantation.
Answer: (i) Tea shrubs can also be grown in nurseries from cuttings on high yielding varieties. This is known as the clonal planting method of propagation of tea.
(ii) When the saplings are 20 cm high, they are transplanted in the tea garden.
Question. State the temperature required for coffee cultivation.
Answer: (i) Coffee plant requires warm climate (15º to 28ºC) and a moderate supply of moisture, but there must be a fairly long spell of dry weather for the beans to ripen.
(ii) It cannot stand frost nor very high temperatures, i.e., above 30ºC.
(iii) Strong sunshine and snowfall both are harmful to the plant. Its cultivation, therefore, is restricted to areas where the mean annual temperature does not exceed 28ºC.
Question. Which state is leading producer of coffee ?
Answer: Karnataka is leading producer of coffee.
Question. State the climatic condition required for the cotton cultivation.
Answer: (i) Cotton requires uniformly high temperature (during July to September) between 21ºC and 30ºC. During October, the day temperature should be above 26ºC, which helps the ripening and bursting of cotton balls under the sunny skies.
(ii) The minimum temperature should not fall below 20ºC as it retards plant growth.
(iii) Rainfall should be moderate, ranging between 50 to 75cm. Rainfall of more than 85 cm destroys the crop. Cotton plant needs sufficient rainfall in early stages of growth, but a sunny and dry weather is required after flowering.
Question. What is meant by ‘Clonal Planting’?
Answer: In clonal planting, tea shrubs are grown in nurseries from cuttings of high yielding varieties.
Question. State the method of cultivation of coffee.
Answer: (i) Sowing : Coffee is propagated from seeds or cuttings in a nursery and after a few months, the saplings are transplanted to the field. Plants are positioned 3 m apart. They are pruned annually to ease picking and to ensure heavy bearing of coffee berries. The tree is kept to a height of 1.5 to 2.5m. Coffee plants are grown on slopes so that water does not stagnate.
(ii) Covercrops : Since coffee plant is susceptible to direct sunrays it is planted under the shade of trees such as silver oak and jackfruit which are planted before the coffee plantation. Other trees like orange, cardamom and pepper vines are also interplanted to generate extra income.
(iii) Harvesting : Harvesting of coffee may begin in the third year after planting but is usually done in the fourth or fifth year. Coffee picking i s done by hand by remo ving the ri pe berrie s from the stalk. Indiscriminate picking of both ripe and unripe berries results in coffee beans of inferior quality which fetch low prices.
Question. State the factors which favour the cultivation of coffee in South India.
Answer: (i) Warm climate temperature between 18ºC to 28ºC and rainfall between 150 to 200 cm.
(ii) Well drained friable loamy soil.
Question. Name two states in India where coffee plantations are found.
Answer: Karnataka and Kerala.
Question. How is cotton cultivated ?
Answer: (i) In most part of the country, cotton is cultivated as a kharif crop. It is sown at the on set of monsoon.
(ii) Seeds are usually sown by broadcasting or drilling method.
(iii) Weeding is required during the growth of the plant.
Question. How is cotton harvested ?
Answer: (i) The crop is harvested in October when the cotton balls ripen and burst into white, fluffy and shiny balls of fibre.
(ii) The crop is harvested in three to four pickings as the balls mature; yields decrease with successive pickings.
Question. What are the climate requirements for growing jute ?
Answer: Temperature : Jute requires a hot and humid climate with temperatures between 24ºC and 35ºC and relative humidity of 90 per cent.
Rainfall : The annual rainfall should be more than 150 cm. About 2.5 cm to 7.5 cm of rain distributed in a month during sowing period is sufficient. Occasional showers (varying from 2 cm to 3cm) at intervals of about a week, are most beneficial for it. However, incessant and untimely rains and prolonged droughts are harmful.
Question. Mention the methods of processing of Coffee.
Answer: There are two methods of processing coffee, namely, the Wet Parchment method and the Dry Parchment method.
Wet parchment methods : In the Wet parchment method, the fruit covering of the beans is removed before they are dried and then pulping, fermenting,
washing and drying takes place. After this the coffee beans are ready to use.
Dry parchment methods : In the Dry parchment method the following process is followed:
(i) The harvested cherries are sorted and cleaned, to separate the unripe, overripe and damaged cherries and to remove dirt, soil, twigs and leaves.
(ii) The coffee cherries are then spread out in the sun to dry.
(iii) The beans are then fermented by drying in the sun for a week.
(iv) After drying, machines peel off the two layers of inner husks.
(v) They are sorted according to size and quality and then packed in sacks for use.
(vi) The beans are roasted at temperatures of about 99°C and then ground
into coffee powder which is used to make the beverage. Roasting gives it brown colour and characteristic aroma and taste.