Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions Chapter 14 Health Organisations

Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions Chapter 14 Health Organisations

ICSE Solutions for Class 10

Question 1. Name the following:
(i) Diseases caused by pathogens.
(ii) Diseases occurring due to degeneration of the tissue.
(iii) Diseases caused due to hypersensitivity.
(iv) Diseases occurring due to malnutrition.
(v) Promotes medical education and training.
Solution 1:
1. Diptheria, tetanus, malaria, typhoid, rabiesetc
2. Heart disease, Osteoporosis (bones), Parkinson’s disease (CNS)etc.
3. Asthma, Hayfever, skin allergies.
4. Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, Beriberi.
5. WHO, the World Health Organization, promotes medical education and training

Question 2. Write the short notes on:
(i) WHO
(ii) Red cross
(iii) Functions of WHO
(iv) Quarantine regulations
(v) Radiation hazards
Solution 2:
1. WHO:- World Health Organizations (WHO) This acronym stands for World Health Organizations. In 1948, this organisation was founded. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO has over 135 member states, each of which pays to the organization’s annual budget in proportion to their financial resources. It is in charge of international disease-eradication efforts. WHO’s help includes giving information about epidemic alerts, combating major diseases, maternity and child health, sanitation and water supply improvements, and so on.
2. Red Cross:- The Red Cross is an international organisation that was created in 1864 to give medical assistance in times of distress, such as war. The Red Cross insignia is a white background with a red cross painted on it. It provides medical assistance in the form of blood and first-aid to victims of war and natural disasters. The Red Cross also holds courses to educate people on how to avoid accidents.
3. Below are the functions of WHO:-
(a) It encourages medical education and training in all nations.
(b) The WHO funds international health research projects such as malaria and smallpox eradication.
(c) It gathers and disseminates information regarding health, epidemics, and endemic diseases around the world.
(d) It promotes international pharmaceutical product research and development.
(e) It recommends quarantine methods to prevent outbreaks such as plague, cholera, and other diseases.
4. Quarantine regulations:- Quarantine is the restriction of an individual’s or material’s freedom of movement in order to prevent the spread of contagious diseases to prevent disease from entering a country, the suspicious person or substance is detained at the port of entry. WHO establishes these quarantine laws, which also determine the validity duration of vaccination certificates.
5. Radiation dangers:- X-rays and other forms of atomic energy are dangerous to all living things, causing burns, cancer, and even death. To avoid this, WHO keeps all countries informed and up-to-date about radiation hazards, with a special focus on worker training to deal with these risks.

Question 3. What does WHO stand for?
Solution 3:
World Health Organization.

Question 4. Mention any two functions of the WHO.
Solution 4:
Below are the two functions of the WHO:
1.To disseminate information on epidemic diseases.
2.To implement quarantine procedures in order to prevent disease spread.

Question 5. Mention any two activities of the Red Cross.
Solution 5:
The two activities of Red Cross are:
1.To provide medical assistance and relief to natural disaster victims.
2.To help war victims by donating blood.

Question 6. Complete the following:
(i) Asthma is ______ disease. (hypersensitivity, contaminated, communicable)
(ii) Penicillin is an ______. (antibiotic, antianalgeric, antipyretic)
(iii) Kwashiorkor is a ______ disease.(deficiency, communicable, non-communicable)
Solution 6:
(i) Asthma is hyper sensitivity disease.
(ii) Penicillin is an antibiotic.
(iii) Kwashiorkor is a deficiency disease.

Question 7. Name two non-communicable diseases.
Solution 7:
Diabetes and Beriberi are both non- communicable diseases.

Question 8. Name two international health organizations.
Solution 8:
WHO (World Health Organization) and Red Cross are the two international health organisations.

Question 9. State reasons for the formation of WHO.
Solution 9:
The World Health Agency is an international health organisation that seeks to alleviate suffering and promote normal child growth and development. It was established with the goal of coordinating and directing international health initiatives.

Question 10. In which year was WHO established?
Solution 10:
In 1948 WHO was founded.

Question 11. Where are the headquarters of WHO located?
Solution 11:
The World Health Organization’s headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.

Question 12. What is the full form of UNO?
Solution 12:
The full form of UNO is United Nations Organization.

Question 13. List three common diseases prevalent in India.
Solution 13:
Common diseases prevalent in India are Tuberculosis, Malaria and Dengue.

Question 14. Name any two common water-borne diseases.
Solution 14:
Common water-borne diseases are Jaundice and Cholera.

Question 15. Name any two common air-borne diseases.
Solution 15:
Common air-borne diseases are Common cold and Whooping cough.

Question 16. Name any two common venereal diseases.
Solution 16:
The two common venereal diseases are AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) and Syphilis.

Question 17. Choose the correct answer:

(i) World Health Day (WHO) was formed in
(a) 1940
(b) 1948
(c) 1973
(d) 1975

Solution :


(ii) World Health Day is celebrated on
(a) August 29
(b) January 30
(c) April 7
(d) May 8

Solution :

April 7

(iii) The global strategy for “health for all” was adopted by WHO in
(a) 1980
(b) 1975
(c) 1981
(d) 1983

Solution :


(iv) To prevent, control and treat cholera disease, our government has introduced which programme
(a) NFCP
(b) NCCP
(c) NLCP
(d) NMEP

Solution :


(v) WHO has a headquarter at
(a) Moscow
(b) Washington
(c) New York
(d) Geneva

Solution :


(vi) Red Cross was formally founded in
(a) 1870
(b) 1864
(c) 1859
(d) 1862

Solution :


(vii) The major agencies of the United Nations Organization (UNO) are
(b) UNDP
(c) WHO
(d) all the above

Solution :

All of these

(viii) Air-borne disease is
(a) diarrhoea
(b) tuberculosis
(c) dengue fever
(d) none of these

Solution :


(ix) Water-borne disease is
(a) typhoid
(b) malaria
(c) influenza
(d) pneumonia

Solution :


(x) Vector-borne disease(s) is/are
(a) malaria
(b) cholera
(c) yellow fever
(d) (a) and (c)

Solution :

(a) and (c)

Frank ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions Chapter 14 Health Organisations