Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to Food Crops ICSE Class 10 Geography Questions below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions that have come in previous years. This will help you to understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 Geography and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams
ICSE Class 10 Geography Food Crops Important Questions
Students should learn the important questions and answers given below for Chapter Food Crops in Geography for ICSE Class 10. These board questions are expected to come in the upcoming exams. Students of ICSE Class 10th should go through the Important questions and answers ICSE Class 10 Geography which will help them to get more marks in exams.
Board Exam Questions Food Crops ICSE Class 10 Geography
Food Crops ICSE Class 10 Geography Important Questions
State or name
a. Three varieties of rice cultivated in West Bengal
Aus, Aman and Boro
b. Largest rice-producing state in India
West Bengal
c. One area where rice is grown under ‘jhumming’ method
Assam and Arunachal Pradesh
d. A state in south India where rice is grown extensively
Tamil Nadu
e. Three methods of sowing rice
Broadcasting, dibbling and drilling
f. Method of sowing rice in nurseries and then transferring the seedlings to the field
g. Leading wheat-producing state in India
Uttar Pradesh
h. Type of wheat grown in India
Spring Wheat
i. Disease caused in wheat due to excess water
j. Fungus which affects wheat crop in India
k. One variety of millets grown mostly in South India
l. Two states which are the leading producers of millets.
Maharashtra and Gujarat
m. Three most common pulses
Gram, tuver and moong
n. Two kharif food crops
Rice and Millets
o. Two rabi food crops
Wheat and Pulses
Question. State the advantages of growing rice in nurseries.
Ans. The advantages are that better growing seeds are identified easily and they can in turn, be transplanted.
Question. State the conditions of soil and climate suitable for the cultivation of rice.
Ans. Rice requires the following conditions of soil and climate
Soil Alluvial soil with a sub-soil of impervious clay
Temperature 16 °C to 20 °C while sowing; 18 °C to 32°C whileharvesting
Rainfall 150 cm to 300 cm
Additional Fields need to be flooded during first few weeks
Question. Up to what altitude can rice be grown?
Ans. So long as its temperature requirements are satisfied, rice can be grown on different altitudes. For example, it is grown in Jammu and Kashmir at a height of 2000 m and in Kuttanad regions in Kerala which is below sea level.
Question. What do you mean by ‘transplantation’? State its advantages.
Ans. Transplanting involves growing of rice in nurseries and transferring the seedlings into the fields after about a month when they are 15 to 20 cm high. The advantage of transplantation is that the yield per hectare in increased since only seedlings which grow well in nurseries are transplanted to the field.
Question. Explain broadcasting, dibbling and drilling.
Ans. Broadcasting: It is simply scattering or throwing seeds over the soil by hand. This method is practiced in areas where labour is scare and soil is not much fertile. Dibbling: In this method, seeds are dropped at regular intervals in ploughed furrows. This method of rice sowing is used in Northern Plains of India. Drilling: In this method, seeds are dropped through shafts of bamboo which is attached to the plough. In this way, seeds fall in straight line. Now-a-days, drilling machines are used in place of bamboo.
Question. Why is the yield in the Japanese method of rice cultivation higher?
Ans. The yield in the Japanese method of rice cultivation is higher because of
1. Use of better quality seeds
2. Transplantation
3. Proper irrigation
4. Treatment of the crop with appropriate fertilisers at the proper stage of growth
Question. State the differences between the cultivation of upland rice and lowland rice.
Ans. Upland Rice Lowland Rice
Areas grown Terraced fields on hill slopes Flat, low-lying areas
Irrigation Depends totally on rainfall Required during sowing and harvesting period
Sown in March and April June
Harvested in September and October October and November
Question. Why is the yield of rice very low in India as compared to other countries of the world?
Ans. Currently, the average yield of rice per hectare is 1756 kg. It is the lowest in the world. The yield per hectare of rice in Japan, China and Korea is about three times that of India. This is because:
a. Rainfall in India is uncertain and is concentrated to four months.
b. There is a lack of assured water supply through irrigation in rice growing areas.
c. General fertility of Indian soils is less because these have been cultivated from the last 5000 years.
d. Farmers do not use efficient methods of cultivation.
e. Widespread poverty in the rural areas prohibits the use of adequate amount of fertilizers, pesticides, etc.
Question. What are rabi and kharif crops? Is wheat a rabi crop or a kharif crop?
Ans. Kharif crops are sown in June and harvested in October while rabi crops are sown in October and harvested in March. In other words, kharif crops are summer crops while rabi crops are winter crops. Wheat is a rabi crop.
Question. Why is wheat not grown in the extreme southern parts of India?
Ans. Wheat requires that at the time of sowing, the temperature should not rise beyond 15 °C. This is not possible in southern parts of India where the temperatures in winter are higher than 15 °C. Hence, wheat is not grown in south India.
Question. In terms of climatic conditions, what is the difference between the cultivation of rice and wheat?
Ans. a. Rice is a kharif crop while wheat is a rabi crop.
b. Rice requires higher temperatures of 18 to 32 degree Celsius while wheat requires cooler conditions of 10 to 15 degree Celsius
c. Rice requires heavy rainfall while the same is harmful for wheat.
Question. Why is the area under wheat cultivation on the increase?
Ans. The use of Green Revolution Technology (use of chemical fertilisers, irrigation and insecticides and pesticides) has helped grow high yielding varieties of wheat which are also drought-resistant and are able to survive high fluctuations in rainfall. For these reasons, wheat is now been brown in areas where it was not grown earlier, thus increasing the area under wheat cultivation.
Question. State the climatic and soil conditions favourable for the cultivation of wheat.
Ans. Soil Well drained heavy textured soil rich in lime, e.g., alluvial and black soil
Temperature 10 °C to 15 °C while sowing; 25 °C to 28°C while harvesting
Rainfall 50 cm to 100 cm
Additional While sowing, temperature should not be more than 15 °C
Question. State three factors which make it possible to grow wheat in Western U.P.
Ans. The factors which make it possible to grow wheat in western U.P. are
a. Cool climate while sowing
b. Well drained, heavy textured, alluvial soil
c. Rain due to western disturbances in winter
Question. What is the common feature of all millets?
Ans. The common feature of all millets is that they are grown on inferior soils where it is not possible to grow rice. In addition, all millets have round seeds which are borne in large numbers on short stalks at the end of the stem.
Question. Why are millets called ‘dry’ crops?
Ans. Millets are called dry crops because they do not require much rainfall and can survive drought.
Question. What are the main uses of millets in India?
Ans. Millets are widely used as animal fodder and bird seed; millets flour is used to make the Indian pancake known as ‘roti’.
Question. State the importance of pulses in India. Pulses are important in India because of the following reasons.
Ans. a. They are the chief source of protein to the largely vegetarian population of India.
b. They are leguminous plants which restore the nitrogen content of the soil.
Question. Why are pulses considered a good rotation crop for rice?
Ans. Rice is a kharif crop while pulses are rabi crops. Pulses help restoring the nitrogen content of the soil which is exhausted by rice and hence they are considered good rotation crops for rice.
Question. State the conditions of soil and climate suitable for the cultivation of gram.
Ans. Soil Any soil which is not water logged
Temperature 20 °C to 30 °C
Rainfall 25 to 50 cm
Additional Too much rainfall after sowing and during flowering is damaging
Question. How are pulses harvested?
Ans. Pulses mature in about 150 days or about five months. When leaves of plants become dry and begin to shed, these plants are pulled out. They are dried for a few days. Then they are threshed by trampling under the feet of bullocks or with sticks to get the seeds.