Students should refer to Force Work Energy and Power ICSE Class 10 Physics Board Exam Questions provided below with solutions. These will help the students to understand the type of questions which have been asked in previous year examinations and the type of solutions which the student should give to get good marks. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 Physics Sample papers for more practice
ICSE Class 10 Physics Force Work Energy and Power Important Questions
Students should learn the important questions and answers given below for Chapter Force Work Energy and Power in Physics for ICSE Class 10. These board questions are expected to come in the upcoming exams. Students of ICSE Class 10th should go through the Important questions and answers ICSE Class 10 Physics which will help them to get more marks in exams.
Force Work Energy and Power ICSE Class 10 Physics Board Exam Questions
1) Why are the passengers not allowed to stand in a small boat while crossing a river?
Passengers are not allowed to stand in a small boat because standing raises the centre of gravity of the boat, due to which line joining the centre of gravity and centre of the earth may fall outside the base of the boat crossing the river. Hence, the boat can capsize

2) Why are passengers travelling in a double-decker bus allowed to stand on the lower deck but not on the upper deck?
Passengers travelling in the double-decker bus are allowed to sit or stand only on the lower deck which ensures lowering of the centre of gravity. On the other hand, if the passengers are standing on the upper deck, the centre of gravity of the bus will be raised to the extent that the line joining the centre of gravity of the bus and the centre of the earth can fall outside the base of bus while taking sharp turns and can result in toppling over.
3) Why are the cutting edges of scissors made longer than the cutting edges of the metal cutter?
In scissors, cutting edge (load arm) is generally longer than effort arm because the load (cloth/paper) is of small magnitude than the effort available from hands while in metal cutter load of metal is very large. Metal is a tough material to cut therefore with smaller blades it is easier to create more pressure to break through the metal. In order to overcome this large resistance, effort arm is made longer so that output can be obtained by applying less effort.
4) Why is a cart loaded with hay more likely to be upset than one loaded with steel?
When a cart/truck is loaded with hay its centre of gravity is sufficiently raised. At the same time, the centre of gravity of the cart/ truck loaded with steel gets lowered. When the
hay loaded cart will take sharp turn/or moves on an uneven road, a vertical line passing through its centre of gravity may go outside the base of the cart/truck and it is more likely to
topple than the cart loaded with steel.
5) Why is heavy luggage loaded near the bottom of a ship?
A ship is loaded with heavy luggage near the bottom so as to lower down the centre of gravity. Hence, the line joining the centre of gravity and the centre of the earth does not fall outside the base of the ships when it pitches or rolls in the sea. Thus, it stays in stable equilibrium.

6) Why are railway wagons not loaded beyond a certain limit?
Railway wagons are not loaded beyond a certain limit because if loaded beyond a certain limit then the centre of gravity of the wagon is raised. Thus, while going around sharp
turns, the line joining the centre of gravity and centre of the earth may fall outside the base of the wagon which can result in derailment.
7) Why does a coolie carrying the load on his back bend forward?
A coolie carrying the load on his back has to lean forward to bring down the and shift the centre of gravity of the load and also of himself as low as possible and keep the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity of the whole system between his feet. This ensures he remains in stable equilibrium.

8) Why are the racing cars very broad and very low?
The racing car is specially designed with a very broad base and very low in height to keep its centre of gravity very low. So that, when this car takes a sharp turn, at a very high speed, the vertical line joining its centre of gravity and centre of the earth always falls within its base, which helps maintain a stable equilibrium.

9) Self-erecting toy or rolly polly doll is made heavier at the base. Give reason?
Self-erecting toy or rolly polly doll is made curved and heavily loaded at its base so that its centre of gravity remains lowest in the vertical position. Thus, when it is turned even through an angle of 90 0 , its centre of gravity is raised and falls within the base of the toy. When an external force is removed from the toy, it regains its stable equilibrium, and returns back to its original position i.e., becomes erect.

10) Why does one lean forward while climbing up a hill? Give reason?
When a person climbs up a hill, he bends himself in the forward direction and adjusts his centre of gravity in such a way that the vertical line joining the centre of gravity and the centre of the earth falls within the base of his feet. Thus, the condition of stable quilibrium is satisfied and the person does not fall. Due to similar reason a person coming down a hill bends backwards.
While walking straight: The center of mass is at the same position as with the center of gravity.