Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to Quit India Movement ICSE Class 10 Questions and answers below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions which have come in previous years so that you can understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 History and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams
ICSE Class 10 Quit India Movement Questions and Answers
Please refer to solved questions for chapter Quit India Movement provided below. These questions and answers are expected to come in the examinations. Students should learn these so that they are able to answer the questions properly in exams and get good marks. Refer to Important Questions for ICSE Class 10 History and Civics for all chapters on our website.
Quit India Movement Questions and Answers
Short Answer Type Questions
(1) Discuss the social and political background on which Quit India Movement was staged?
Ans. (i) Rise of socialist ideas in freedom movement and formation of Congress Socialist Party. (ii) Growth of political movements in princely states (Praja Mandal). (iii) Government of India Act (1935) : Federal part never come into effect but the provincial part was implemented. Formation of Congress Ministries in 1937.
(2) List a few events which led to Quit India Movement?
Ans. (i) Outbreak of World War II in Europe, brought the British Government under pressure. Britain dragged India into the war without the opinion of the Indians being taken. (ii) Opposition of Congress to the war, led to resignation of ministries by the Congress in October-November 1939. British reaction to the resignations was positive. Viceroy was happy. (iii) Muslim League celebrates this resignation – ‘Deliverance Day’. The League in 1940 passed a resolution in its Lahore Session to form Pakistan.
(3) How did the Two Nation Theory lead to partition of India?
Ans. (i) In 1930 Sir Muhammad Iqbal at a meeting of the Muslim League advocated that a State in north-west India must be the final destiny for Muslims. (ii) In 1933 a group of young Muslims led by Rahmat Ali proposed an entirely separate country, and he coined the term ‘Pakistan’. (iii) In 1940 the Muslim League passed a resolution demanding the partition of the country and the creation of a separate State called Pakistan. (4) Why did British initiate the August offer in 1940? Ans. England under constant air raids; tried to seek support of Indian leaders to strengthen war efforts. Therefore, Lord Linlithgow (Viceroy) put forward a set of proposals which was called as ‘August Offer’.
(5) Mention the proposals or main features of the August Offer of 1940.
Ans. (i) Indians can draft a Constitution for themselves after the war. (ii) Constituent Assembly to be formed once war was over. (iii) Protection of minorities rights was ensured. (iv) Viceroys Executive Council to be expanded to include more Indians. (v) In return, Indians should co-operate with Britain in war.
(6) What do you mean by Individual Satyagraha?
Ans. In Oct. 1940, Congress working committee called for ‘Individual Satyagraha’. As per Gandhiji’s plan, selected individuals will make anti war speech, thereby breaking the law, and will offer themselves for arrest. The first satyagrahi was Acharya Vinoba Bhave. Thousands of satyagrahis were arrested including J.L. Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, C. Rajagopalachari etc. They were later released in Dec. 1941.
(7) When and why was the Cripps Mission sent to India?
Ans. Reasons for arrival of Cripps Mission :
(a) Non-cooperation in war from Congress. (b) Rapid advancements of Japan in S.E. Asia, whereby Japan had captured parts of Burma. The War Cabinet of Winston Churchill sent Stafford Cripps to negotiate with Indian Leaders in 1942. The Cripps Mission was sent to make a definite offer to the Indians on behalf of the British government.
(8) When was Quit India Resolution passed?
Ans. Quit India Resolution was adopted at Wardha in July 1942. The All India Congress Working Committee passed it on August 8, 1942 at Bombay.
(9) What were the circumstances during the Second World War which forced the national leaders to launch the Quit India Movement?
Ans. During the Second World War, there was a growing threat of Japanese invasion on India. The Congress leaders were of the view that to save India from the Japanese attack it was necessary that the British withdrew from India.
(10) What were the proposals of Cripps Mission.
Ans. (i) India to be given a dominion status after the war.
(ii) Constituent Assembly to be formed after the war, to draft Constitution.
(iii) A Federation of India to be created; if any province did not want to join can become a different dominion.
(iv) Princely states will have an option either to join India or remain under British.
(v) Till war goes on Viceroy will head the government.
(11) Why did the Cripps Mission fail?
Ans. Following are the reasons for failure of Cripps Mission :
(i) It did not promise total independence.
(ii) Contained seeds of partition.
(iii) League opposed as the Cripss Mission did not specifically speak of Pakistan. Right to self determination not given to Muslims.
(iv) Congress opposed it as principle of optional accession of provinces and princely states would lead to a weak Centre.
(v) Gandhiji referred Cripps Mission as ‘post dated cheque on failing bank’.
(12) State briefly the reasons of Quit India Movement?
Ans. (i) Japan’s expansion towards Indo Burmese borders during World War-II was threatful. As per Gandhiji existence of British rule in India was an invitation to Japanese invasion.
(ii) Communal disharmony and riots.
(iii) Failure of Cripps Mission. These factors led to Quit India Movement.
(13) State the significance or the impact of Quit India Movement?
Ans. (i) United the entire nation against foreign rule.
(ii) Attracted world wide attention – pressure from USA and USSR on Britain to grant India freedom.
(iii) Rise of new leaders like Lohia, J.P. Narayan.
(iv) Made it clear to Britain that her days in India were coming to an end.
(14) Where were the parallel government established during the Quit India Movement?
Ans. Parallel government were established at Satara (Maharashtra), Tamluk (Bengal), Talcher (Orissa) and Ballia (Uttar Pradesh).
(15) Why was the August Offer rejected by the Congress ? Give one reason.
Ans. Though the government proposed to set up a constitutional body, but no time limit was given within which the constitution making body was to be set up.
(16) When and why was the ‘Deliverance Day’ celebrated ?
Ans. ‘Deliverance Day’ was celebrated by the Muslim League on 2nd December, 1939. The day was celebrated because the Congress ministers resigned.
(17) Why did the Congress ministries resign in 1939 ?
Ans. (i) The British Government forced India in the Second World War without the consent of the Indians.
(ii) The Congress wanted a definite assurance from the British Government regarding independence but that assurance never came. Consequently, the Congress ministries resigned in November 1939.
(18) What was the proposal of Cripps Mission regarding the defence of India?
Ans. The defence of India would remain under the control of the British Government but the reponsibility to aid and assist in the war would be shouldered by Indian respresentatives.
(19) What was the cause of the rift in the Congress in 1939?
Ans. (i) By 1937, Subhash Chandra Bose became a prominent leader of the Indian National Congress. He differed with Gandhiji in his policies and methods of dealing with the government.
(ii) In 1939, Subhash Chandra Bose resigned from the Congress Presidentship and formed a separate party within the Congress known as Forward Bloc.
(20) How was the constitution – making body to be constituted according to Cripps Proposals of 1942?
Ans. (i) The members from British India would be elected by the Provincial Legislative Assemblies.
(ii) Representatives of Princely States would be nominated by the rulers.
(21) Why was the Cripps Mission rejected by the Muslim League ?
Ans. The proposal of the Cripps Mission was rejected by the Muslim League because it felt that the prospect of achieving Pakistan was bleak.
(22) What was the proposal of Cripps Mission regarding the Princely States?
Ans. The Princely States would be free to join the Indian Union or to stay out.
(23) Why was Sir Stafford Cripps sent to India in 1942?
Ans. Sir Stafford Cripps was sent to India to break the political deadlock between Indian leaders and the British Government.
(24) Name the provinces in which Congress won with overwhelming victory in elections of July 1937.
Ans. Eight out of eleven provinces where Congress won were as follows : United Provinces, Central Provinces, Orissa, Bihar, Madras, Bombay, Assam and North West Frontier Province.
(25) What does Pakistan comprise of ?
Ans. Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir, Sindh and Baluchistan.
(26) Which clause of August Offer (1940) favoured the Muslim League ?
Ans. The Muslim League was assured that no constitutional scheme would be accepted by the government unless and until it was agreed to by the minorities.
(27) Why did Mahatma Gandhi described the Cripps Mission as a post dated cheque on a failing bank?
Ans. (i) The Congress was opposed to the principle of non-accession of the provinces. Hence Gandhiji urged the Working Committee to reject it.
(ii) Cripps Mission did not ascertain independence and involved partitoning of the country (iii) He called it a post dated cheque on a failing bank.
(28) Name the leader arrested in the Quit India Movement?
Ans. In the early morning of 9th August, 1942 all the prominent leaders of the Congress including Mahatma Gandhiji, J.L. Nehru, Abdul Kalam Azad, Vallabhbhai Patel were arrested and the Congress was banned.
(29) How did the people react to the arrest of the leaders in the Quit India Movement?
Ans. The arrest of the leaders worked as a spark. There were hartals and demonstrations all over the country. The government had to face a revolt which was unarmed but most violent in character. Government property was attacked by the people. Communication and transportation systems were totally disrupted. The students took a leading role in the movement. Colleges, universities and schools were closed. The Movement was very intense in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Bengal.
(30) How did the government the Quit India Movement?
Ans. The government used police and army to suppress the movement. Hundreds of persons were killed and over 70,000 arrested in less than five months.
Even armed aircrafts were used in Bhagalpur and Monghyr in Bihar. Mobs were dispersed by lathi charge, rifle, pistol and occasionally by machine guns.
Even women and children were not spared. The main objective of the government was to terrorise the people.
Structured Questions
(1) Japanese success in the East prompted the British Government to send the Cripps Mission to India. In this context, state :
(a) The proposals of the Cripps Mission.
(b) Reasons for its rejection by the Congress.
(c) Reasons for its rejection by other communities.
(d) Reasons for its rejection by the Muslim League.
Ans. (a) (i) India would be given Dominion Status immediately after the war.
There would be a federation of British India and Indian Princely States. Any province that was not prepared to accept the Constitution would be allowed to obtain Dominion Status separately.
(ii) A Constituent Assembly would be set up. The members from British-India would be elected by the Provincial Legislative Assemblies, whereas representatives of Princely States would be nominated by their rulers.
(iii) The Provinces not consenting to the new constitution would be free to have their own constitution.
(iv) Provisions would also be made for the protection of the racial and religious minorities.
(v) The control and direction of the defence of India would be the responsibility of His Majesty’s Government and the powers of the Viceroy would remain intact.
(b) The proposals were rejected by the Congress because :
(i) It contained provision which could divide India into hundreds of independent provinces.
(ii) There was no time limit within which the constitution making body was to be set up.
(iii) The Congress wanted that all subjects, including defence, should be handed over to the National Government.
Gandhiji was so upset at the proposals that he named it as ‘the post-dated cheque on a failing bank’.
(c) (i) The Sikhs, the Anglo-Indians, the Indian Christians and labour leaders also opposed them because they did not provide sufficient safeguards for their interests.
(d) (i) The Muslim League rejected the proposals as these did not contain a specific acceptance of the demand for the creation of Pakistan.
The right of self determination was not granted the muslims.
(2) Answer the questions with respect to the movement held in August 1942.
(a) What is meant by ‘Mass struggle on non-violent lines’? Which resolution was passed on the 8th of August, 1942 leading to a mass struggle on non-violent lines?
(b) State the reasons behind the launching of the August, 1942 movement.
(c) Discuss the consequences or impact of the 1942 Movement.
Ans. (a) The ‘Mass struggle on non-violent lines’ means participation of the common people peacefully in the National Movement for freedom struggle. Resolution of Quit India Movement was passed on the 8th of August, 1942 leading to a mass struggle on non-violent lines.
(b) Failure of the Cripps Mission :
(i) The failure of the Cripps Mission left no meeting ground between the Congress and the government. It was clear from the proposals that the government was not willing to grant independence in the near future.
(ii) The Indians were also not happy at the proposals of Cripps Mission because proposals contained within them provisions which could divide India into hundreds of independent provinces.
War Situation :
(i) There was every possibility that India might be attacked by Japan and the Indians were helpless because they had no power or means to resist the attack.
(ii) So, the Indian leaders felt that the situation called for complete independence. Gandhiji also felt that an orderly and peaceful withdrawal of the British could save India from internal anarchy and external aggression.
Japanese Threat :
(i) The war situation was discouraging in 1942. The Japanese Army had attacked Burma (Myanmar) and was marching towards Assam.
(ii) Gandhiji observed, ‘The presence of British in India is an invitation to Japan to invade India. Their withdrawal removes the bait.’
(iii) The Indian leaders were anxious to save their country from the Japanese invasion but their slavery was a hindrance.
(iv) Gandhiji and other leaders were convinced that this situation called for complete independence from the British immediately. Internal Anarchy : The communal situation was worsening day by day. The Muslim League was demanding a separate state i.e., Pakistan. This had spoiled the communal situation.
(c) (i) It demonstrated the depth of the national feelings had reached in the country and the great capacity for struggle and sacrifice that the people had developed.
(ii) It was evident that the British would no longer find it possible to rule India against the wishes of the people.
(iii) It was the mass uprising before attaining indepedence. People from all parts of India took part in processions and demonstration.
(iv) The Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christian and Parsis and even people from the Ptincely States participated.
(v) The Quit India Movement strengthened the Congress Socialist Party because of its heroic role in the movement.
(vi) Its leader Jai Prakash Narayan became almost a legendary figure. The Party continued its underground movement till 1944 when it came to an end.
(vii) After the supperssion of the Quit India Movement, the Constitutional question remained dormant till the close of the War in 1945.
(3) Soon after the beginning of the Second World War, the Congress ministers resigned. In this context answer the following questions :
(a) Cause for the resignation of the Congress ministries.
(b) Reaction of the British Government to these resignations.
(c) Reaction of the Muslim League.
Ans. (a) The Britishers had involved India in the War without consulting the Central Legislature and the Provincial Governments. The Congress demanded the establishment of an Indian Government responsible to the Central Legislative Assembly and the promise that independence would be given as soon as the War was over. The British Government did not agree to these proposals. In November 1939, the Congress ministries in the provinces resigned because it was now clear that Britain was pursuing her own imperialist ends in the war.
(b) The British Government felt relieved by the resignation of the Congress ministers because they controlled eight out of the eleven provinces and had the power to impair the war efforts of the government.
(c) The Muslim League was jubiliant over the resignation of the Congress ministers. The Muslim League decided to celebrate the day as ‘Deliverance Day’. The Muslim League saw in it an opportunity to show its loyalty to the government and promised all help in the War efforts on the condition that no constitutional scheme would be finalised without its approval.
(4) The Quit India Movement was short-lived, but its results had far reaching consequences. In this context, answer the following questions:
(a) Severe repression by the government.
(b) Impact of the movement.
Ans. (a) The government resorted to severe measures to crush the 1942 Movement. The Press was completely muzzled. The demonstrating crowds were machine-gunned and even bombed from the air. Prisoners were tortured. The police and secret police reigned supreme. Nearly ten thousand people were killed and 60,000 people were arrested by the end of 1942. The military took over many towns and cities. Rebellious villages had to pay huge sums as punitive fines and the villagers had to undergo mass floggings. India had not witnessed such intense repression since the First War of Indpendence, 1857. Gandhiji was detained at the Agha Khan Palace in Pune; the other leaders were sent to jail in Ahmednagar Fort. In the end, the government succeeded in crushing the movement.
(b) (i) It demonstrated the great capacity for struggle and sacrifice that the people had developed. The movement showed the depth of the national will and convinced the Britishers that the days of their domination in India were numbered.
(ii) It was evident that the British would no longer find it possible to rule India against the wishes of the people. Now the British officials had realized that the British would not be able to retain their hold on India.
(iii) It was the mass uprising, even people from the Princely States participated.
(iv) The Quit India Movement strengthened the Congress Socialist Party because of its heroic role in the movement. Its leader Jai Prakash Narayan became almost a legendary figure.
(v) The Party continued its underground movement till 1944 when it came to an end.
(vi) After the suppression of the Quit India Movement, the Constitutional question remained dormant till the closure of the War in 1945.
(vii) A significant feature of the Quit India Movement was the emergence of parallel governments in Ballia in Uttar Pradesh. Midnapur in Bengal and Satara in Maharashtra.
Notes for Quit India Movement
• 1935-24: saw the widening rift among League and Congress and Gandhi and Bose.
Cripps Mission of 1942 and Its Failure
• 22-3-1942: arrived to India under Sir Stafford Cripps.
• To suggest constitutional reforms.
Such as:
• India would be given dominion status.
• Constituent assembly would be set up.
• INTERIM GOVERNMENT would be formed.
• Indian leaders shall take effective part in the Viceroy’s Executive council.
• The defence of India would remain under British.
Failure/Rejection of the Proposals:
• Gandhi Ji rejected it as a post dated cheque.
• Muslim League rejected it because no in favour of Pakistan.
The Quit India Movement
• 1942: started.
• The Cripps Mission failed.
• There was a growing threat of Japan invasion on India.
• Gandhi Ji firmly believed that peaceful withdrawal of the British can save India from internal war and foreign war.
Spread of the Quit India Movement and Reaction of British:
• 8-8-1942: AICC was held a meeting at Bombay.
• Passed the famous The Quit India Movement resolution.
• It launched by Gandhi Ji against British on non-violence lines.
• Gandhi Ji gave slogan ‘DO OR DIE’.
• Gandhi Ji and many leaders arrested.
• British declared congress illegal.
• News of arrest about Gandhi Ji spread like fire.
• More and more people joined it.
• Due to no leader it became violent.
• They burnt government building etc.
• They killed British official.
• Government adopted repressive policy.
• Woman were insulted.
• Children were beaten.
• Lathi-charge happened.
• Villages were looted and burnt.
• 10000 people were died.
• 70000 people arrested.
Importance and Impact of The Quit India Movement
It showed the Depth of the National feelings:
• It was mass movement.
• Hindus Muslims Sikhs and even Christians took part.
• Indian states opposed British.
• Teacher, Students, Lawyers, peasants took part against government.
• People Acquired Great Capacity for Struggle and Sacrifice.
• Government was surprise to see the struggle and sacrifice of Indians.
• After many atrocities people were doing struggle against British.
• They show courage and sacrifice.
• They wanted to curb British at any cost.
It Made the English Realise that there days were numbered in India:
• The pace and depth of the Quit India Movement made to realise them
Subhash Chandra Bose and Its Contribution:
• He was known as Netaji.
• He organised Indian National Army.
• He was eminent freedom fighter.
• 23-1-1887: born in Bengali family at Cuttak in Orissa.
• Joined presidency college at Calcutta.
• He attacked his English teacher.
• Expelled from the school.
• After B.A. went to England for higher studies.
• 1920: passed ICS examination getting 4th position.
• Soon resigned his job.
• Joined Indian Freedom movement.
• He was not agreed with Gandhi Ji on their policies.
• 1932: He participated in Civil Disobedience Movement.
Rift with Gandhi and Formation of the Forward Bloc:
• He advocated new congress with new leader on new principal.
• Under his ideas and lost faith in non violence many younger section of congress chosen him leader.
• Subash chandra Bose believed in socialism and aggressive method.
• 1938: He became President of congress.
• He was opposed any compromise with British.
• He favoured large scale industrialisation and Gandhi Ji opposed it.
• 1939: In election of congress Gandhi Ji supported Sitaramayya against him.
• But he elected.
• 10-3-1939:he urged that congress should issue an ultimatum against British government demanding independence within 6 months.
• 13 congress working committee members resigned.
• 29-4-1939: Subhash resigned.
• Chief Objectives of the Forward Bloc:
• 1939: founded by Bose within the Congress.
• To organise all radical elements under one head.
• To oppose the British.
• To struggle for liberation of nation.
• Establishment of socialist society.
Achievements of the Forward Bloc:
• It achieved it aims.
Subhash Chandra Bose and Socialism:
• 1930: Ideas of socialism circulated within and outside in congress.
• Pundit Jawahar Lal nehru and Bose played important role in vison of socialism.
• He suggest many ideas to form socialist society.
Such as:
• Abolition of zamindari.
• Reduce land revenue.
• He took part to establishment of All India Trade Union congress to recognising demands of workers.
Formation of Indian National Army:💂
• 1-1941: British government interned Bose due to his revolutionary ideas
• 3-1941: Escaped from India.
• 1-1943: went to Japan to organise an armed struggle against British.
• He organised Azad Hind Fauz(INA) in Singapore.
• Ras Bihari bose helped him.
• 1942: INA formally formed under Mohan Singh(Acting commander in Chief).
• Many Indians joined.
• Indian soldiers called him Neta Ji.
• He also founded provisional government in Singapore recognised by 9 world powers.
Objectives of the INA:
o To organise armed revolt.
o Revolt by the east Asian Indians.
o To set up provisional government.
o Mobilization of Indians.
• INA occupied many north eastern territories of India.
• The main objective was to capture capital Imphal.
• Japanese withdraw their forces.
• Rainy season started.
• INA failed to capture capital imphal.
• Subhash killed in aeroplane accident in Tokyo.
Significance of INA:
• It inspire people for patriotism.
• Sacrifices of INA gave consciousness to Indians.
• British realised they cant rule more over India.
