Students can refer to the following Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Biology Set A with Answers provided below based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for ICSE Biology. All specimen papers have been prepared covering all chapters given in ICSE Biology book for Class 10. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 Biology Solutions.
ICSE Class 10 Biology Sample Papers with Answers Set A
Class -X
Note- Attempt all questions from Section A and any 4 questions from section B.
ICSE Class 10 Biology Sample Papers with Answers Set A
Q1A.Choose the correct answer.(5)
I. Which among the following is a non circulating fluid
i. Blood
ii. Lymph
iii. Vitreous humour
iv. Tissue fluid.
II. Broken down haemoglobin are extracted from
i liver cells
ii intestinal cells
iii kidney cells
iv stomach cells
III. Rods and cones are located in
i. Retina
ii. Cornea
iii. Choroid
iv. sclera
IV. The entire movement of water vapour from the surface of a cell into the outside atmosphere is a result of
ii.Active transport
iv.All of these
V. The expansion of ciliary body is
ii.Yellow spot
iii.Blind spot
B. Name the following(5)
a. A physical change controlled by the temperature and humidity of atmosphere.
b. Abnormally increased number of RBCs.
c. Place of best vision in the normal eye.
d. Opening that connects the middle ear and inner ear.
e. Central bore of an artery.
C. Given all statements are wrong, correct the statement by changing the last word only.(5)
a.RBCs absorb more oxygen because of small size and it’s convexity.
b.The filtrate left after reabsorption and tubular secretion is called glomerular filtrate.
c. An eye defect that arises die to uneven curvature of cornea is presbyopia.
d.Impulses from cochlea are transmitted to brain via the oculomotor nerve.
e.When the rate of transpiration exceeds rate of absorption cells lose its osmoregularity.
D. Give one example for the following (5)
a.Blood vessel having pocket shaped valves.
b.Hormone that controls the urine output.
c.Enzyme present in tears.
d.Region of eye situated lateral to yellow spot.
e.Fluid present in median cochlear canal.
E.Complete the paragraph by filling in the appropriate term (5)
As the head is turned in different directions the fluid inside the semicircular canal is also shaken. The moving fluid in the canals pushes against sensory ______1 cells sending the nerve impulse through the ________2 attached to them,to the brain via the _________3. The sensory cells in the _______4 are concerned with _________5.
F.Write down 1 difference between the following.(5)
a.malleus and incus
b.Aqueous humour and vitreous humour
c.pH and specific gravity of Urine.
d.flow of blood in artery and veins.
e.stomata and cuticle.
G.Write one function for the following(5)
a.Oval window
b.Yellow spot
c.Bowman’s Capsule
H.Write down any 5 adaptations in plants to reduce excessive transpiration.(5)
Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Biology set A
Section B
Q2A.Observe the diagram below and answer the questions.(5)

a.Name the sense Organ.
b. Name the part labelled ‘m’ .
c.To which the shape of ‘s’resemble.
d.Whats the function of part which is spiral?
e.Name the part labelled “tm”.
Q2 B.Define Hyperopia and draw the diagram for the correction of this defect.(5)
Q3 A.Look at the figure given below. It is a section of human kidney as seen from the front.(5

a.Is it a longitudinal section or cross section?
b.Name the part no. 4
c.Which area/part(give it’s name and the number given on the diagram) contains the following respectively.
i. Malphigian capsule
iii.Fteshly collected urine.
Q3B.Explain any two functions of kidney.(5)
Q4A. The diagram given below represents the human heart in one phase of its activity. Study the same and then answer that follows.(5)

a. Name the phase.
b. Which part of heart is contracting in this phase?
c. Name the part no. 2
d. What type of blood flows through the parts marked “1”
e. How many valves are closed in this phase.
Q4B. Write any 5 characteristics of an artery.(5)
Q5A.Given below is the diagram of an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon in plants.(5)

a.Label the parts numbered 3 (1)
b.Is this state, Open or Close(1)
c.Is this stoma, of a dicot leaf or a monocot leaf?(1)
d.Redraw a sketch of the stomatal apparatus in the sate opposite to the one shown here.(2)
Q5B.Write any 5 differences between transpiration and evaporation.(5)
Q6A.Draw a well labelled diagram of human ear.(5)
Q6B.Explain short sightedness with diagram.(5)
Q7A.Write 5 differences between rods and cones.(5)
Q7B.Name any 5 types of blood cells and write their one function.(5)