Students can refer to the following Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 English Language Set B with Answers provided below based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for ICSE English Language. All specimen papers have been prepared covering all chapters given in ICSE English Language book for Class 10. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 English Language Solutions.
Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 English Language Set B with Answers
Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 English Language Set B
1. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
2. This time is to be spent on reading the question paper.
3. Attempt all the questions.
4. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Q1. Write a composition (350-400 words) on any one of the following. [20]
a. Write an original story, beginning with the following line:
The water was cold. I took a deep breath and jumped……
b. Think of a time when it was your birthday and your parents fulfilled your expectation you had for the day. Describe how you felt and rejoiced.
c. It is fair to control the time a teenager dedicates to playing computer games. What are your views about it? Talk in favour or against the topic.
d. Study the picture given below. Write a short story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. There must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

e. You went to a park to play with your friends and you saw lot of hustle bustle around. Describe the scene of the park that was there in front of your eyes and how you felt about it.
Q 2. Select any one of the following: [10]
a. You saw your neighbour struggling hard to explain people the need of cleanliness around, you decided to write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper to publish an article in the newspaper to make people aware about cleanliness and ‘Swatch Bharat’. Also ask him to mention how cleanliness can change the way of life of the natives.
b. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the plans you had for your birth day and how they got spoiled because of Covid-19. Also mention what precautions you and your family are taking in this difficult time.
Q3. a. Write a notice for the school notice board as the head of the Students’ school magazine board inviting children to submit articles for the School magazine. Also mention the best article will be awarded by the Principal of the school. [5]
c. Write a mail to the Principal of your School informing her about the award to be given by her for the best article for the school magazine, also request her to do the honours in the school morning assembly. Mention the date when you want the award to be presented. [5]
Q4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The Rise of Hitler
Nazi Germany under the leadership of Hitler soon became a dictatorship. A dictatorship requires one person and one party to be in control of a nation and a climate of fear – this was provided by Himmler’s SS. Personal freedom disappeared in Nazi Germany.
When Hitler was appointed chancellor on January 30th, 1933, it was as the head of a coalition government. It was very clear in his mind that it would not remain this way for long. By the end of March 1933, he had acquired much greater powers than the former leading politicians of the Weimar Republic could ever have foreseen when they supported his appointment as chancellor. The death of President Hindenburg in August 1934, allowed him to combine both chancellor’s and president’s positions into one when Hitler became the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor.
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties you could vote for etc. To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal processes of discussion, arguments etc. Within the Reichstag of January 1933, over 50% of those who held seats were against the Nazi Party. Therefore, it would have been very unlikely for Hitler to have got passed into law what he wanted.
Many saw Hitler as a fall-guy politician who would have to shoulder to blame if things got worse under his leadership. Hitler had promised a general election for March 1933. This would have been, in his mind, the perfect opportunity for him to show all politicians who opposed him where the true loyalties lay in the German people. In fact, the 1932 election had shown had Hitler that there was a possibility that support for the Nazis would grow in the coming years. Anything other than a huge endorsement of Hitler and the Nazi Party would have been a disaster and a gamble which Hitler did not want to risk-taking.
One week before the election was due to take place, the Reichstag building burned down. Hitler immediately declared that it was the signal for a communist takeover of the nation. Hitler knew that if he was to convince President Hindenburg to give him emergency powers – as stated in the Weimar Constitution – he had to play on the old president’s fear of communism. What better than to convince him that the communists were about to take over the nation by force.
A known communist – Marianus van der Lubbe – was caught near the Reichstag building immediately after the fire had started. Those that arrested him – Nazi officials – claimed that Lubbe confessed to them that the fire was a signal to other communists to start the revolution to overthrow democracy in the country. Matches were allegedly found on van der Lubbe and those who arrested him claimed that he smelt of petrol.
Hitler asked Hindenburg to grant him emergency powers in view of the ‘communist takeover’. Using the constitution, Hindenburg agreed to pass the Law for the Protection of the People and the State. This law gave Hitler what he wanted – a ban on the Communists and Socialists taking part in an election campaign. The leaders from both parties were arrested and their newspapers were shut down. To ‘keep the peace’ and maintain law and order, the SA (the Brown Shirts) roamed the streets beating up those who openly opposed Hitler.
The election took place in March – even though Hitler was convinced it would be the last. Hitler did not get the number of votes he wanted but he did get enough to get over a 50% majority in the Reichstag. Those 12 million people voted for what were effectively two outlawed parties is remarkable when the intimidation of voters is taken into account.
After the burning down of the Reichstag, politicians had nowhere to meet. The Kroll Opera House in Berlin was chosen. This was a relatively small round building – perfect for meetings. On March 23rd, elected officials were due to meet to discuss and vote on Hitler’s Enabling Law. As politicians neared the building, they found it surrounded by SS and SA thugs who tried to ensure that only Nazi or Nationalist politicians got into the building. The vote for this law was crucial as it gave Hitler a vast amount of power. The law basically stated that any bill only needed Hitler’s signature and within 24 hours that bill would become law in Germany. With only Nazis and other right-wing politicians inside the Kroll Opera House, the bill was quickly passed into law. The act gave Hitler what he wanted – dictatorial power. What he wanted would become law in Germany within 24 hours of his signature being put on paper.
On 7th April 1933, Nazi officials were put in charge of all local government in the provinces.
On May 2nd, 1933, trades unions were abolished, their funds were taken and their leaders put in prison. The workers were given a May Day holiday in return. On July 14th, 1933, a law was passed making it illegal to form a new political party. It also made the Nazi Party the only legal political party in Germany.
Germany became a nation of snoops. People were employed in each street, in each building complex etc. with the sole purpose of keeping an eye on others in their ‘area’ and reporting them to the authorities if they believed that something was amiss. The reputation of the Nazi police and the secret police lead by Himmler was such that no-one wished to cause offence. People kept their thoughts to themselves unless they wished to invite trouble. In this sense, Nazi Germany was a nation run on fear of the government. Hitler had created a one-party state within months of being appointed chancellor.
a. Give the meanings of the following words as used in the passage. One word or short phrase will be accepted. [3]
i. Abused
ii. Endorsement
iii. intimidation
b. Answer the following questions briefly in your own words:
1.What conditions are required to have dictatorship in the country? Under whose leadership Germany became a dictatorship. [2]
2. Who and why passed the Law for the Protection of the People and the State? [2]
3. Who found the Kroll Opera house surrounded by SA and SS thugs? [1]
4. When did Hitler declare that it was a signal to take over the nation by the Communist party? How could he convince President Hindenburg? [2]
5. How can we say Germany became a nation of snoops? [2]
c. In not more than 50 words, summarise the condition of the country after the spread of dictatorial power in Nazi Germany.
Q5. (a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]
Example: (0) crowded
Hill stations may be crowded 0 (crowd), but the foothills ………. 1 (remain) less so during the monsoon. Chikmangalur is an ideal destination …………. 2. (enjoy). A view of the hills with a side of the coffee greens along with it have always……………3. (present) an eye soothing sight. With the rains……………..4. (pour) down on the gorgeous coffee plantations, it ……………. 5. (tend) to lend a specific flavour. Choose a good estate hotel and enjoy the clouds…………6. (roll) in, ……….. 7. (cover) everything in broody, beautiful darkness. As you sip on single- origin coffee and start……….. 8. (read) your favourite book, the rains steps out for the plantation walks and coffee tours.
(b). Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:
1. Anup and Arun have quarrelled …………. a silly matter.
(ii) Remo has been training him to dance……… a year now.
(iii) It is not easy to get ……. The school cricket team.
(iv) He was gunned ……….. in the public park.
(v) A committee has been formed to look ……… the problem.
(vi) The alarm went………. in the middle of the night.
(vii) Can I help you ………… some more dessert?
(viii) We look ….. to our house masters as our guides.
(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘so’.
(i) Molly has a very-good vocabulary. She reads a lot.
(ii) I like sugar in my tea. I don’t like milk in it.
(iii) The sun was warm. The wind was a bit too cool.
(iv) He was angry with her. He didn’t utter a word.
(d) Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.
(i) She did not know that her best friend had been diagnosed with cancer. (start: Little….)
(ii) “I am ashamed of your behaviour!” shouted my father in anger. (start: My father………..)
(iii) If the food grains do not arrive soon, thousands will starve. (Use: Unless)
(iv) He reached home just as it began to rain heavily. (start: Hardly……)
(v) The old man was too old to walk around the town. ( Use: so …that)
(vi) Our school sent up the best exhibit to the Town Hall. (Use: better)
(vii) They were asked to combine all their ideas into one document. (Use; combination)
(viii) The teacher scolded him for not doing his homework. (Begin: He…………)