Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 History Civics Set C

Sample Papers

Students can refer to the following Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 History Civics Set C with Answers provided below based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for ICSE History Civics. All specimen papers have been prepared covering all chapters given in ICSE History Civics book for Class 10. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 History Civics Solutions.

Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 History Civics Set C with Answers

(Attempt all questions)

Q1. (a) How many members does the Supreme Court of India consist of?
(b) Who administers the Oath of Office and Secrecy to the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers?
(c) Who all are not eligible to be included in the Electoral College for the election of the President of India?
(d) What is interpellation?
(e) Why is Rajya Sabha called a Permanent House?
(f) How are the Ad Hoc judges appointed?
(g) Under what circumstances does the whole Ministry of the Lok Sabha have to resign?
(h) State any one ground on which the President can proclaim a state of emergency?
(i) Define Revisory Jurisdiction.
(j) In Rajya Sabha, how long can the money bill be deliberated upon?

Q1. (a) How many members does the Supreme Court of India consist of?
(b) Who administers the Oath of Office and Secrecy to the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers?
(c) Who all are not eligible to be included in the Electoral College for the election of the President of India?
(d) What is interpellation?
(e) Why is Rajya Sabha called a Permanent House?
(f) How are the Ad Hoc judges appointed?
(g) Under what circumstances does the whole Ministry of the Lok Sabha have to resign?
(h) State any one ground on which the President can proclaim a state of emergency?
(i) Define Revisory Jurisdiction.
(j) In Rajya Sabha, how long can the money bill be deliberated upon?

Attempt any two questions from this section

Q3. With reference to the Supreme Court, answer the following:
(a) Define Appellate Jurisdiction. Explain the three cases in which appellate jurisdiction is practised by the upreme Court.
(b) Explain how the Supreme Court acts as a “Court of Record”.
(c) Give three reasons for the adoption of Single Integrated Judicial set up in India.

Q4. With reference to the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, answer the following questions:
(a) Explain the role of the Prime Minister as the leader of the nation.
(b) Differentiate between the Cabinet Ministers & the Ministers of State.
(c) What does the “Collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers to the House of the people” imply?

Q5. With reference to the role of the President, answer the following:
(a) Mention any four executive powers of the President.
(b) Write any three discretionary powers of the President.
(c) Explain the process involved in the impeachment of the President.

(Attempt any three questions from this section)

Q6. With reference to independence and partition of India, answer the following:
(a) Write in detail any four reasons for the acceptance of the Mountbatten plan.
(b) What was the status of the Bengal, Punjab and North West Frontier Provinces under the plan?
(c) What decisions were taken to end jurisdiction of the British Parliament under The Indian Independence Act of 1947?

Q7. “In 1914, a war began in Europe which soon engulfed almost the entire world with battles fought in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific.” In the context of the war, answer the following:
(a) How did aggressive nationalism and subsequent policy of imperialism create conditions of conflict between countries
of the world?
(b) What was the immediate cause of the war?
(c) Discuss any three clauses of the Treaty signed after the war with reference to Germany only.

Q8. With reference to the formation of Forward Bloc and the INA, explain the following:
(a) Write in detail, the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose as an inspiration and a great patriot for the people of India.
(b) Explain the objectives of the Forward Bloc.
(c) Write any three objectives framed by the INA.

Q9. “By 1857, conditions were ripe for a mass uprising and the accumulated grievances of the people burst forth in the form of the First War of Independence.”
(a) What was the impact of British annexation of Awadh on the various sections of the population?
(b) Explain Subsidiary Alliance.
(c) Discuss how Indian soldiers were ill-treated.

Q10. With reference to the Second World War, answer the following:
(a) How did the Treaty of Versailles sow the seeds of bitterness and humiliation for Germany?
(b) Explain the failure of the League of Nations to prevent another war.
(c) Why did Hitler attack Poland?