Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statements:
(1) Cortisone hormone is secreted by:
a. Medulla of adrenal
b. Cortex of adrenal
c. Pancreas
d. Thyroid
Solution: (b) Cortex of adrenal
(2) Which one of the following hormones stimulates the breakdown of glycogen
in the liver into glucose:
a. Insulin
b. Adrenaline
c. Glucagon
d. Thyroxine
Solution: (c) Glucagon
(3) Which one of the following hormones converts excess of glucose into glycogen:
a. Glucagon
b. Thyroxine
c. Insulin
d. Adrenaline
Solution: (c) Insulin
(4) Which one of the following glands is also called master gland:
a. Pituitary gland
b. Adrenal gland
c. Thyroid gland
d. Ovary
Solution: (a) Pituitary gland
(5) The emergency hormone to face the danger or to fight is secreted by:
a. Islets of Langerhans
b. Adrenal cortex
c. Pituitary
d. Adrenal medulla
Solution: (d) Adrenal medulla
(6) Which one of the following endocrine glands produces its hormone in large
quantities as a result of emotional stimulation?
a. Thyroid
b. Islets of Langerhans
c. Adrenal medulla
d. Adrenal cortex
Solution: (c) Adrenal medulla
(7) In humans, increased thyroxine production results in (tick the correct answer):
a. Increased metabolism
b. Decreased metabolism
c. Dwarfism
d. Cretinism
Solution: (a) Increased metabolism
Short Answer Questions:
Question 1. What is a hormone?
The secretions of the endocrine glands are called Hormones, which are poured directly into the blood and are carried to the target organs.
Question 2. In table given below, fill in the blanks by naming endocrine glands, the hormones they secrete, and the function they perform, in a normal person.

Question 3. Match the items in Column A with those in Column B.


Question 4. Name the source and the function of each of the following hormones: Hormone Source Function
(a) Glucagon
(b) Thyroxine
(c) Adrenaline
(d) Insulin
(e) Cortisone

Question 5. What is the difference between an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland?
Salivary glands, the pancreas, and other exocrine glands send their secretions directly to the target organ through ducts. The endocrine glands, on the other hand, lack ducts. Their expulsions, known as hormones, are injected directly into the bloodstream and then transported to the intended organs.
Question 6. Why is pitnitary gland is called “master gland”?
The pituitary gland, which makes growth hormone, thyroid, and hormone secretion hormone, is referred to as the “master gland” since it regulates numerous bodily activities, including growth.
Question 7. Briefly write about the importance of physical hygiene during adolescence.
Physical hygiene, commonly known as personal hygiene, is essential for adolescent health maintenance. To improve their health, the teenager should engage in the following activities:
1. Safe and Appropriate Food: Adolescence is a time of quick development and progress. So a teen needs to watch their diet carefully. They need to have a healthy, balanced diet that includes proteins, carbs, fats, minerals, and vitamins. They ought to consume freshly prepared food and stay away from old food. Milk, fruits, and fresh vegetables should be consumed.
2. A healthy lifestyle: Sleeping and exercising regularly are essential for maintaining excellent health. Teenagers should refrain from sitting at a desk or watching TV for extended periods of time. Teenagers shouldn’t use drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes.
3. Cleanliness: Teenagers should routinely take a bath. Before and after eating, they should always wash their hands. Brushing your Teeth after each meal. They ought to constantly change and put on clean clothing, especially underwear. To retain good health, one should have regular bathroom habits. Teenagers must have clean, well-protected feet. If one walks barefoot, they risk getting hurt by insects, hookworms, and bacteria like tetanus. They have to routinely brush and wash their hair. Every day, all bodily parts need to be cleaned and washed. If hygiene standards are not upheld there
4. Physical Activity: Teenagers should regularly walk, exercise, and enjoy outdoor games in the open air to maintain a healthy and fit body. Adolescent tension and anxiety might be lessened by doing outdoor games.
Question 8. Briefly discuss any four activities which can be practiced to overcome stress.
Stress, often known as tension, is a condition of mental or emotional strain. By taking the actions listed below, you can manage or lessen your stress:
1. Yoga: Yoga is a mind-body exercise that incorporates controlled breathing, physical positions, and relaxation or meditation. Through
(a) Increasing Flexibility, yoga assists in minimizing steps.
(b) Improving muscle tone and strength.
(c) Increasing vitality, energy, and respiration.
2. Exercise: Exercise, such as running or jogging for 30 to 45 minutes, helps to keep the body considerably healthier and reduces stress.
3. Adequate sleep schedule: Increasing your sleep schedule also aids in stress reduction.
4. Reading is a fantastic approach to clear your head and learn more.
I. Multiple choice questions. Tick (✓) the correct choice:
1. Chemical control in organisms is brought about by
a. enzymes
b. neurons
c. hormones
d. all the above.
Solution: (c) Hormones
2. Master endocrine gland
a. thyroid
b. pituitary
c. pancreas
d. adrenal
Solution: (b) pituitary
3. The hormone thyroxine is secreted by
a. pituitary gland
b. adrenal gland
c. thyroid gland
d. pancreas
Solution: (c) thyroid gland
4. Insulin is secreted by
a. pancreas
b. pituitary gland
c. thyroid gland
d. adrenal gland
Solution: (a) pancreas
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Hormones are produced by _____________.
2. The master gland in the body is _____________.
3. Adrenal glands are present above _____________.
4. The hormone insulin is secreted by _____________.
5. The hormone thyroxine is secreted by _____________.
6. Blood pressure is controlled by the endorine gland called _____________.
1. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands.
2. The master gland in the body is pituitary glands.
3. Adrenal glands are present above kidneys.
4. The hormone insulin is secreted by pancreas.
5. The hormone thyroxin is secreted by thyroid gland.
6. Blood pressure is controlled by the endorine gland called adrenal gland .
III. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):
1. Hormones are secreted by ductless glands.
2. For hormones to be effective in their actions, they are required in sufficiently large quantities.
3. The adrenal gland helps the body to fight stress.

IV. Find the odd-one out, giving reason: Pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, salivary gland
Since the salivary gland is not an endocrine gland, it stands apart. The remaining three endocrine glands lack ducts.
V. Name the following:
Question 1. Five endocrine glands found in human body.
1. Pituitary gland.
2. Thyroid gland.
3. Parathyroid gland.
4. Adrenal gland.
5. Pancreas.
Question 2. Master gland in human body.
Pituitary gland is the master gland in human body.
VI. Define the following:
1. Hormones
2. Endocrine glands
1. Hormones: Hormones are chemical substances in living organisms which bring about chemical coordination and are responsible for regulating growth and development.
2. Endocrine glands: Endocrine glands are special organs which produce hormones and pour them into the blood for chemical coordination in living beings. They are ductless glands.
VII. Answer the following questions:
Question 1. Describe two characteristic features of hormones.
Characteristics features of hormones are:
1. Long-term changes caused by hormones include a child’s growth and sexual maturation.
2. Hormones regulate the amount of salt and water in bodily tissues, blood sugar, and sweat salt. They go through the blood.
Question 2. Draw an outline figure of the human body and show the location of different endocrine glands.

Question 3. What causes diabetes?
Diabetes is brought on by a lack of insulin. Although the pancreas produces insulin, the body cannot use it. This results in diabetes by generating an accumulation of extra glucose in the blood.
Question 4. Which gland secretes insulin?
Pancreas gland secretes insulin.
Question 5. What happens when the thyroid gland secretes less hormone?
The thyroid gland swells and produces goitre when it produces less hormone.
VIII. Answer the following questions:
Question 1. Given below is an outline of the human body. Draw and label on the diagram.

1. The gland that secretes insulin.
2. The gland that produce adrenaline.

Question 2. Name the disease caused by failure of the gland to produce insulin.
Diabetes is the disease caused by failure of the gland to produce insulin.