Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to Water Resources of India ICSE Class 10 Geography Questions below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions that have come in previous years. This will help you to understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 Geography and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams
ICSE Class 10 Geography Water Resources of India Important Questions
Students should learn the important questions and answers given below for Chapter Water Resources of India in Geography for ICSE Class 10. These board questions are expected to come in the upcoming exams. Students of ICSE Class 10th should go through the Important questions and answers ICSE Class 10 Geography which will help them to get more marks in exams.
Board Exam Questions Water Resources of India ICSE Class 10 Geography
Water Resources of India ICSE Class 10 Geography Important Questions
Question. Mention six major uses of water.
Ans. Water is used for
1. Domestic purposes
2. Agriculture
3. Industries
4. Generating hydro electricity
5. Navigation
6. Recreation
Question. Mention four ways in which water is important for a country like India.
Ans. 1. The population of India is growing at a rapid rate. People need water for domestic use.
2. With growing population, the demand for food increases. To grow more food crops, we require more water.
3. Agriculture alone cannot support the needs of the growing population. For economic growth, more industries are required and industries require water.
4. Industries require power. Flowing water can provide cheap hydro electricity.
Question. What do you mean by irrigation?
Ans. Irrigation is the artificial means of availing water for various purposes
Question. Emphasize the need for irrigation in India.
Ans. 1. Rainfall in India is seasonal, uncertain, uneven and sporadic.
2. Different crops have different water requirements.
3. It is indispensible in semi arid regions of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan etc.
4. It is necessary to extend the frontiers of cultivation in order to fulfil the food requirements of a growing population.
Question. Mention 3 primitive and 3 modern modes of irrigation.
Ans. Primitive – Wells, Tanks and Inundation Canals Modern – Perennial Canals, Tube wells and Dams
Question. What is a well?
Ans. A well is a hole or shaft in the earth dug or drilled to tap an underground supply of water.
Question. State two conditions required for a well.
Ans. 1. The ground water table must be high.
2. The underlying rocks must be soft, porous and permeable.
Question. Mention 2 ways of drawing water from a well.
Ans. Persian Wheel, inclined plane method, power driven pumps, Lever method
Question. Mention 3 states in India where well irrigation is prominent. Why are wells common in these states?
Ans. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana & Punjab. This is because the water table is high and country rock is soft, porous and permeable.
Question. Mention 3 advantages of well irrigation.
Ans. 1. It is the cheapest source of irrigation.
2. It can be dug at any convenient place, regardless of topography.
3. It is an independent source of irrigation.
Question. Mention 3 disadvantages of well irrigation.
Ans. 1. It may fail to provide water during the dry summer months
2. A well can provide water only to 1 to 2 hectares of land.
3. Drawing water out is time consuming.
4. Water in a well is stagnant and therefore prone to contamination.
Question. What is a tank?
Ans. A tank is a natural or artificial pool or pond used for water storage.
Question. State two conditions required for a tank.
Ans. 1. There should be a natural depression.
2. The underlying rock should be non-porous
Question. Mention 3 states in India where tank irrigation is prominent.
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu
Question. Why are tanks common in the Deccan Plateau?
1. Due to uneven topography, the Deccan Plateau has many natural depressions.
2. The plateau is made up of hard, non-porous igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Question. Mention 3 advantages of tank irrigation.
Ans. 1. It stores rain water and prevents surface run-off
2. It irrigates a larger area compared to wells
3. It helps in raising the underground water level
Question. Mention 3 disadvantages of tank irrigation.
Ans. 1. It occupies large area which otherwise could have been used for cultivation
2. Many tanks dry up in the dry months
3. Silting of tank is a problem
4. Water is lost by evaporation
Question. Mention 2 types of canals.
Ans. Inundation canals and Perennial canals
Question. What is an inundation canal?
Ans. An inundation canal is an artificial spillway for mitigating flood water out of rivers.
Question. What is the greatest advantage of inundation canals?
Ans. They are useful in controlling floods
Question. Mention 3 disadvantages of inundation canals.
Ans. 1. There is uncertainty of water supply
2. Only low lands areas are irrigated
3. They can be used only during floods
Question. Mention 3 ways in which perennial canals may have water.
Perennial canals may have water through perennial rivers, dams and reservoirs.
Question. Mention 3 advantages of perennial canals.
Ans. 1. They are perennial source of irrigation
2. They can irrigate a very large area
3. Irrigation through perennial canals is quite cheap in the long run
Question. Mention 3 disadvantages of perennial canals.
Ans. 1. Cost of construction is high
2. Prone to water pollution
3. Can irrigate only low lying areas
Question. What advantages do modern methods of irrigation have over primitive methods?
Ans. 1. They provide water round the year
2. They can irrigate a much larger area.
3. They are more reliable.
4. They are easy to operate.
5. Large amount of water can be pumped by electric or diesel driven motor.
Question. Mention 3 important canal systems each in North India and South India along with the states irrigated.
Ans. Canal Systems in North India
1. Ganga Canal – UP & Bihar
2. Nangal Dam Canal – Punjab and Haryana
3. Indira Gandhi Canal – Dry areas of western Rajasthan
Canal Systems in South India
1. Godavari Canal – Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh
2. Tungabhadra Dam Canal – Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
3. Hirakud Dam Canal – Orissa
4. Periyar Project Canal – Tamil Nadu
5. Mettur Project Canal – Tamil Nadu
Question. Why are canals not found in the Deccan plateau?
Ans. Canals are not found in the Deccan Plateau because the topography is uneven.
Question. Mention 3 differences between an ordinary well and a tube well.
Ans. Parameters Well Tube well
Width More Less
Depth Less More
Quantity of water drawn Less More
Quality of water Prone to contamination Generally good
Question. What conditions are essential for a tube well?
Ans. 1. The ground water table must be high.
2. The underlying rocks must be soft, porous and permeable.
Question. . Mention 3 advantages of tube wells.
Ans. 1. Quantity and duration of water availability compared to normal wells is greater
2. Private ownership, convenient to use
3. Quality of water is good
4. No loss of water due to evaporation
Question. . Mention 2 disadvantages of tube wells.
Ans. 1. The water table depletes ate a fate rate
2. Salt water ingression in coastal areas may happen
Question. . How does salt water ingression happen in tube wells?
Ans. Due to increased pumping of water from tube wells in coastal areas, the water table falls below sea level and pores in the aquifer become empty. If the aquifer is connected to the sea, the pores in the aquifer are then filled with salt water.
Question. . Mention 3 states in India where tube wells are common.
Ans. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Punjab
Question. . What purposes are served by a multipurpose project?
Ans. 1. Irrigation
2. Hydro electricity
3. Flood control
4. Recreation
Question. What is the environmental impact of huge dams?
Ans. 1. Several species of wild animals like the River Dolphin and Hilsa fish have been pushed into threatened status.
2. The downstream part of a dam is often affected by the ingress of salt water from the sea during high tides.
3. The creation of dams has flooded over 5000 sq. km. of forest land in India.
Question. What do you mean by conservation of water?
Ans. Water conservation refers to
Q reducing the wastage of water
Q using water available in an efficient manner
Q storing it for future use.
Question. Emphasize the need for water conservation in India.
Ans. In India, water needs to be conserved due to the following reasons.
1. Uncertain rainfall
2. Increasing population leading to reduction in per capita availability of water
3. Rapid industrialisation leading to pollution of water
Question. Mention 3 approaches taken to conserve water.
Ans. 1. Rain Water Harvesting
2. Reducing water pollution
3. Technology for efficient use of water
Question. Mention 3 advantages of sprinkler and drip irrigation.
Ans. 1. Minimum loss of water due to seepage or evaporation
2. Greater yield
3. Reduces the chances of weeds
Question. What is a watershed?
Ans. A watershed is a basin-like landform defined by highpoints and ridgelines that descend into lower elevations and stream valleys.
Question. What do you mean by watershed management?
Ans. Watershed management is the process of creating means and methods of reducing surface run-off, and conserving water within the watershed for future use.
Question. Which irrigation method is an outcome of watershed management?
Ans. Tank
Question. Mention 3 advantages of watershed management.
Ans. 1. Reducing surface run-off
2. Recharging groundwater
3. Irrigation
Question. What is rooftop rainwater harvesting? What purposes does it serve?
Ans. Collecting rainwater from rooftops is known as rooftop rainwater harvesting. The water can be
a. Stored for future use
b. Used to recharge groundwater
Question. State the objectives of the National Water Policy.
Ans. • Creation of a national water grid
• Conservation of water
• Reducing water pollution
• Reduce surface run off and river bed silting
• Recharging of groundwater
• Provide water to deficit areas