Question 1. Multiple Choice Question:-
1) The animals (Kingdom Animalia) are mainly grouped under two categories
a) bilaterally symmetrical and radially symmetrical
b) coelomate and acoelomate
c) aquatic and terrestrial
d) vertebrates and invertebrates
Solution: (d) vertebrates and invertebrates
2) Which one of the following examples do not come under the particular group?
a) Mushroom, Yeast, Fern – Fungi
b) Paramoecium, Euglena, Sponge – Protista
c) Starfish, Cuttlefish, Dogfish – Pisces
d) Bat, Parrot, Oyster – Vertebrates
Solution: (d) Bat, Parrot, Oyster – Vertebrates
3) Which one of the following is an example of binomial scientific name?
a) Green alga
b) Snow leopard
c) Rana tigrina
d) China-rose
Solution: (c) Rana tigrina
4) Which one of the following is the correct statement about the respective animal(s)?
a) Donkey and horse should be considered one single species because they can successfully mate and produce offspring.
b) Donkey and horse are two different genuses.
c) Mule is a separate species.
d) Mule is neither a donkey nor a horse.
Solution: (d) Mule is neither a donkey nor a horse
Question 2) Very short answer type
1) Who had introduced the binomial system of naming living beings?
Carolus Linnaeus had introduced the binomial system of naming living beings.
Question 2) Which two characters out of (a)-(e) given below are common to dog, humans, squirrel, bat, camel and monkey?
(a) scales on the skin
(b) wings
(c) external ears
(d) give birth to young ones
(e) a functional tail
The two characters common to dog, humans, squirrel, bat, camel and monkey are:
(c) external ears
(d) give birth to young ones
Question 3) Match the items in Column I with as many as possible and even repeatedly from column II.


Question 4. Short answer type:-
1) Rearrange the following categories of classification in their proper sequence starting with the highest.
species, family, genus, class, order, phylum
Phylum → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species
Question 2) Give the scientific names of man, domestic cat, and peepal tree.

Question 3) Why are scientific names of living beings considered better than their common names?
In science, people from many nations and linguistic groups must read about one another’s study. Therefore, it was essential to get rid of any misunderstanding that local names could have caused. Scientific names are based on a set of universal criteria. Since they are distinctive, they may be utilized to locate an organism anywhere in the globe. Because of this, popular names for living things are thought to be inferior to their scientific names.
Question 4) Mention any two drawbacks in classifying organisms under the old two kingdom classification.
Living things were divided into two major kingdoms, Plants and Animals, in accordance with Carolus Linnaeus’s “Two-Kingdom Classification,” which was suggested in 1758.
The following are disadvantages of using the outdated two kingdom categorization for organisms:
1. The Kingdom Plantae contained the bacteria. These species do not do photosynthesis and lack chlorophyll. Chromosomes, a distinct nucleus, and nuclear membrane are all absent in bacteria.
2. Kingdom Plantae housed fungi. Multicellular fungi make up bread mold. It lacks chlorophyll, has no stem, roots, or leaves, nor does it produce flowers, fruits, or seeds like other plants do.
Question 5) All humans on earth today may differ widely in their facial features, colour, height, etc. Yet, they belong to a single species Homo sapiens. Give one reason why they are not considered belonging to different species.
A species is an organism of a certain sort whose individuals are capable of interbreeding to create viable offspring.
The facial characteristics, color, height, and other characteristics of all modern people may vary greatly. However, because they can interbreed and have healthy children, they are members of the same species, Homo sapiens.
Question 6) Rewrite the following scientific names correctly.
ficus religiosa (peepal), zea Mays (maize) and Bombyx Mori (silk moth).
Ficus religiosa (Peepal)
Zea mays (Maize)
Bombyx mori (Silkmoth)
Question ) Name the five kingdoms according to the new classification.
The five kingdoms according to the new classification are:
1. Kingdom Monera
2. Kingdom Protista
3. Kingdom Fungi
4. Kingdom Plantae
5. Kingdom Animalia
Question 4) Short answer type
1) What are the group names of the following categories of animals?
a) Animals with a backbone _____________
b) Animals with a hairy skin ___________
c) Animals with three pairs of legs ___________
d) Animals with feathers _________
a) Animals with a backbone: Vertebrata
b) Animals with a hairy skin: Mammalia
c) Animals with three pairs of legs: Insect
d) Animals with feathers: Aves
Question 5) Which ones of the following animals are invertebrates?
Housefly, Silverfish, Trout, Jellyfish, Whale, Penguin, Lizard and Sponge
Invertebrate animals:
Question 6) Give any one difference between
a) Protozoa and Metazoa
b) Invertebrates and Vertebrates
c) Insecta and Arachnida
d) Flatworm and Roundworm

Question 7. Given below is an animal followed by three terms or features. Underline the term which does not match with the animal.
a) Amoeba – Nucleus, tentacle, food vacuole
b) Hydra – Invertebrata, Cnidaria, Crustacea
c) Fish – Gills, paired fins, ear drum
d) Earthworm – Invertebrata, Annelida, Insecta
e) Grasshopper-Wings, trachea, proboscis
f) Butterfly- Insecta, Invertebrata, Mollusca
g) Whale – Gills, mammary glands, fat under the skin
h) Pigeon – Feathers, wings, hair
i) Monkey – External ear, sweat glands, lateral line.
j) Bat – Aves, Mammalia, Chordata
a) Amoeba – Nucleus, tentacle , food vacuole.
b) Hydra – Invertebrata, Cnidaria, Crustacea
c) Fish – Gills, paired fins, ear drum
d) Earthworm – Invertebrata, Annelida, Insecta
e) Grasshopper – Wings, trachea, proboscis
f) Butterfly – Insecta, Invertebrata, Mollusca
g) Whale – Gills, mammary glands, fat under the skin
h) Pigeon – Feathers, wings, hair
i) Monkey – External ear, sweat glands, lateral line
j) Bat – Aves, Mammalia, Chordata
Question 8. Differentiate between: Warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals.

Question 9. Name three animals (belonging to different classes) which breathe by means of lungs but have no external ears (pinnae).v
1. Class Amphibia: Tree frog
2. Class Reptilia: Cobra
3. Class Aves: Duck
Long Answer Type:-
Question 1. Mention any one major similarity and one major difference in the following pairs of an animal:
a) Insects and Birds
b) Whales and Fishes
c) Snakes and Earthworms
d) Bat and Pigeon
e) Cuttlefish and Dogfish
f) Wall lizard and Frog
a) Similarity:- Have wings
Insects- Invertebrates
Birds- Vertebrates
b) Similarity:- Aquatic
Whales- Have lungs for breathing
Fishes- Have gills for breathing
c) Similarity:- Do not have any limbs
Snakes- Vertebrates
Earthworm- Invertebrates
d) Similarity:- Breathe through lungs
Bat- Have external ears
Pigeon- Have internal ears
e) Similarity:- Marine animals
Cuttlefish: Invertebrates
Dogfish: Vertebrates
f) Similarity:- Cold-blooded animals
Wall lizard: Completely adapted to life on land
Frog: Live partly on land and partly in water
Question 2. Match the names of animal groups in Column I with the names of animals in column II.

Which names are left out that do not match and why?

Structured/Application/Skill Type
(One of the extinct animals which lived on the Earth about 100,000,000 years ago) Tyrannosaurus was about six meters long and it preyed upon other animals.
What do you think about its classification-was it an amphibian, a reptile or a mammal?
Can you call it a relative of Kangaroo? Yes/No. Give reason
Since Tyrannosaurus is a reptile and a kangaroo is a mammal, they are not related.
Tyrannosaurus characteristics
1. Scales on the body may be horny.
2. Produces eggs with a leathery shell.
3. A dinosaur that walked on the ground. They controlled the planet. Some people were vegetarians, but others weren’t. The ancestor of all modern birds, Archaeopteryx, is a reptile. Its fossils, which disappeared from the world owing to the ice period, have been discovered.
4. Had a three-chambered heart with partly split ventricles.
5. Creatures with cold blood.