Question 1. Multiple Choice Question:-
1) Choose the most appropriate option in the following statement. Palaeontology is the study of ____________
a) embryos
b) Blood
c) Blood
d) Fossils
2) Clone of animals are being produced through the practice of ___________.
a) genetics
b) ecology
c) Embryology
d) Biotechnology
Question 2. Name the following branches of biology.
a) Application of biological process in technology
b) Science of growing fruits and vegetables
c) Study of prehistoric of life
d) Study of cause of immunity (resistance to or defense against disease.
e) Study of fishes
Question 3. Fill in the blanks
a) Bioengineering deals with making artificial______.
limbs, joints
b) ________ is the entire DNA sequence of an organ.
c) Silk is producing by rearing_______.
d) Evolution deals with the study of ______and______ of organ.
origin – descent
e) Organism which draw food from the host body are called________.
f) Animal which gives birth to young ones are know as _________.
JeevajĀ (viviparous).
g) ________ is called the father of medicine.
Question 4. Match the branch of biology in column A with the respective areas of study in column B


Very Short Answer Type:-
Question 1. Name any two borderline sciences which are connected with biology.
Below are the borderline sciences which are connected with biology:-
(1) Biotechnology
(2) Bioengineering
Question 2. Name the respective subdivision of biology which deals with which study of insect, birds, fungi and heredity
Below are the respective sub-division of biology which deals with which study of insect, birds, fungi and heredity:-
(1) Insects – Entomology
(2) Birds – Ornithology
(3) Fungi – Mycology
(4) Heredity – Genetics
Question 3. Name some professions other than medicine which required basic knowledge of biology.
Below are the some professions other than medicine which required basic knowledge of biology:-
(1) Biotechnologist
(2) Teacher
(3) Bacteriologist
(4) Druggist
(5) Dentist
(6) Entomologist
Short answer type:-
Question 1. What is biology? Name and define its three major branches
Biology is the study of all living things, including people, including plants and animals.
In terms of major types of organisms, the three primary areas of biology are:
1. Botany: Botany is the study of plants.
2. Zoology: Zoology is the study of animals.
3. Human Biology: Human biology is the study of humans as living beings and their interactions with other living organisms.
Question 2. How does biology help us in leading a healthier life?
Biology knowledge has aided us considerably in the sphere of human health. It aids in the understanding of many illnesses’ causes. We can recognize a variety of microorganisms that cause human illness. We may investigate their manner of life and the many methods in which they disseminate illness. The discovery of novel medications, both natural and synthetic, to eliminate disease-causing germs has resulted from a better understanding of disease-causing microbes.
Question 3. A farmer and a housewife may have never studies biology, yet both of them know some of its general principal thought experience .state any two principal which they know.
A farmer who has never studied biology understands how to boost his yield via experience. He understands how to plough and plant crops, as well as how to choose high-quality seeds for sowing. He is also knowledgeable about various watering techniques. He understands how to cross-breed plants, remove weak and undesired plants, and cultivate improved types at the appropriate moment.
A homemaker understands which fruit or vegetable to cultivate and for how long based on her expertise. She is also knowledgeable about the nutritional benefits of various meals. A homemaker follows a variety of hygienic rules at home. She understands how to tame useful animals like cows, goats, and dogs to her advantage.
Question 4. Distinguish between the following pairs of science:
1.) Zoology and Entomology
2.) Genetics and Eugenics
3.) Phycology and Mycology
4.) Space biology and Exobiology
5.) Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
6.) Embryology and Immunology
7.) Ichthyology and Pisciculture
1.) Zoology and entomology

Long answer type:-
Question 1. Do you think biology can help in further increasing the yield of food? If so how?
Yes, biology can assist increase food yields even further. With the help of biology, new plant types and cattle, poultry, and other animal breeds are being generated. Science has also improved our understanding of plant and animal illnesses, as well as how to treat them. All of these activities are assisting us in increasing food production in fields, dairies, and poultry farms.