Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Geography Set E

Sample Papers

Students can refer to the following Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Geography Set E with Answers provided below based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for ICSE Geography. All specimen papers have been prepared covering all chapters given in ICSE Geography book for Class 10. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 Geography Solutions.

Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Geography Set E with Answers

Subject : H.C.G. – 2
Grade: X

Answer to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers..
Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory.
All questions from Part I are to be attempted.
A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

PART I (30 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Part

Question I
Study the extract of the survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/10 given on page 23 and answer the following questions:
(a) Give the six figure grid reference of the following: [2]
      i) Spot height 368
      ii) Prominent surveyed tree 269

(b) What do the following indicate? [2]
      i) Motorable in dry season
      ii) Brackish in grid square 1806

(c) Draw the conventional symbols for the following using appropriate colours: [2]
     i) A tehsil boundary
    (ii) A temple

d) What evidence from the maps shows that the region receives seasonal rainfall? [2]
e) What is the R.E. of this map? What does it mean? [2]
f) What is the main occupation of the people in grid square 1502? Give a reason for your answer. [2]
g) What type of settlement pattern do we find in grid square 1410? How is it different from the settlement pattern in grid square 1008? [2]
h) Identify the drainage patterns in 1510 and 1504. [2]
i) Give the names of any four types of vegetation you can see on the map extract. [2]
j) Identify the physical feature seen in grid square 1209. [1]
k) What do 3r in grid square 1103 represent? [1]

On the outline map of India provided:
(a) Mark and name the Standard Meridian of India. [1]
(b) Mark and name Lake Chilka. [1]
(c) Mark and name river Tungabhadhra. [1]
(d) Mark and name the Aravali Mountains. [1]
(e) Mark and name Mount Godwin Austin. [1]
(f) Mark and name an Offshore Oilfield. [1]
(g) Shade and name a region covered by red soil in the east of India. [1]
(h) Mark and name Chandigarh. [1]
(i) Mark and name the winds that bring rain to North Western India in winter. [1]
(j) Shade and label a region of sparse population in Northern India.

PARK II (50 Marks)
Attempt any five questions from this Part

Question 3
(a) Distinguish between summer monsoon and retreating monsoon [2]
(b) Mention the main features of rainfall in India. [2]
(c) Give reasons for the difference in climatic conditions between the following places:
(i) Shimla and Delhi
(ii) Mangalore and Mysore
(iii) Chherapunji and the Ganga Valley
(d) Mention the factors that determine the climate of India, [3]

Question 4
(a) What is soil erosion? [2]
(b) Bhangar soils are unsuitable for cultivation. Justify. [2]
(c) Give any three characteristics of laterite soil. [3]
(d) Mention the area where the following alluvial soils are found. [3]
(i) Inland alluvium
(ii) Deltaic alluvium
(iii) Coastal alluvium

Question 5
(a) Explain the importance of the accessory function of forest. [2]
(b) Name the tree which has got the following uses. [2]
(i) Roots have medicinal value
(ii) Making of wagon parts
(c) With reference to the natural vegetation answer the following. [3]
(i) Name the most widespread forests in India.
(ii) Forests increase the fertility of soil. Explain.
(iii) The Tropical Rain forest appear green all the year round. Give a reason.
(d) Mention the factors that have led to the decline in the forest cover. [3]

Question 6
(a) What is surface water? [2]
(b) What are the objectives of rain water harvesting. [2]
(c) With reference to tube well answer the following. [3]
(i) What are the ideal conditions for the drilling of tube well? [3]
(ii) Name two stated where tube well irrigation is used.
(iii) Why do farmers not prefer tube well irrigation?
(d) The increase in irrigation was regarded as one of the prerequisites for agricultural development in the country. Justify. [3]

Question 7
(a) Name two coastal oil refineries in India. [2]
(b) Large multipurpose projects lead to land degradation. Explain. [2]
(c) Bio gas is an ideal domestic fuel. Justify.
(d) With reference to copper answer the following : [3]
(i) Copper is used to prepare cooking utensils. Give reason.
(ii) Give two areas in Maharashtra where copper is found.

Question 8
(a) Mention the impact of Green revolution on agriculture. [2]
(b) What are the features of mixed farming? (Any two points) [2]
(c) Give geographical reason for the following: [3]
(i) Jute has to be retted
(ii) Oilseeds are an important commercial crop.
(iii) Tea is considered as labour intensive
(d) State important differences between cotton and rice bases on temperature, rainfall and soil. [3]

Question 9
(a) (i) Name the Iron and Steel plant of India that was established with British collaboration. [1]
(ii) Name the Iron and Steel plant of India that was established with German collaboration. [1]
(b) What are the major varieties of silk? [2]
(c) State any three problems of the sugar industry. [3]
(d) What is the importance of electronic industry for the Indian economy? [3]

Question 10
(a) Name any two sea ports located on the east coast of India. [2]
(b) Mention two advantages of railways. [2]
(c) Mention the disadvantages of airways. [3]
(d) Railway binds the economic and cultural life of the country. Justify. [3]

Question 11
(a) Mention any two sources of waste. [2]
(b) What is land spoilage? [2]
(c) State some benefits of composting. [3]
(d) Mention any three government initiatives in order to reduced environmental pollution.