Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to Cash Crops ICSE Class 10 Geography Questions below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions that have come in previous years. This will help you to understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 Geography and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams
ICSE Class 10 Geography Cash Crops Important Questions
Students should learn the important questions and answers given below for Chapter Cash Crops in Geography for ICSE Class 10. These board questions are expected to come in the upcoming exams. Students of ICSE Class 10th should go through the Important questions and answers ICSE Class 10 Geography which will help them to get more marks in exams.
Board Exam Questions Cash Crops ICSE Class 10 Geography
Cash Crops ICSE Class 10 Geography Important Questions
State or name
a. One state in south India which produces sugarcane in large quantities
b. Largest sugarcane-producing state of India
Uttar Pradesh
c. Method of propagating sugarcane crop from the existing crop
d. Short stalks from which sugarcane is propagated
e. Curved knife used to harvest sugarcane
f. Three mainstream products of sugarcane
Sugar, Gur (jaggery) and khandsari
g. Three by-products of sugarcane
Molasses, Bagasse and pressmud
h. Dark brown syrup obtained after filtering sugarcane juice
i. Crushed material obtained after extracting juice from sugarcane
j. Scientific name of the rubber tree
Hevea Brasiliensis
k. Viscous liquid obtained from the rubber tree which is processed into rubber
l. Largest rubber-producing state of India
m. Common pest of the cotton crop
n. Process of separating seeds from cotton fibre
o. Two varieties of cotton
Short staple cotton and long staple cotton
p. Leading cotton-producing state of India
q. Process in which jute stems are immersed in soft running water
r. Largest jute-producing state of India
West Bengal
s. A crop which is considered to be a substitute for jute
t. Two types of groundnut plants grown in India
Bunch type and Runner type
One word answer questions
a. Largest groundnut-producing state of India
b. Two oilseed crops which bear yellow flowers and look identical in the field
Mustard and Rapeseed
c. Oilseed used for perfumery
Sesamum Oil
d. Plant which yields linseed
e. Fabric obtained from the fibre associated with linseed
f. Oil used for seasoning of wood
Linseed Oil
g. Oil used as a lubricant for high-performance engines and airplanes
Castor Oil
h. Oil equal to olive oil in quality
Sunflower Oil
i. Oil used to make vanaspati
Sunflower Oil
p. Removal of central stem in tea and coffee in order to encourage lateral growth
q. A set of two leaves and a bud which is plucked from the tea plant
r. Five steps in the processing of tea
a. Withering b. Rolling c. Fermentation d. Drying e. Sorting
s. Full form of CTC
Crushing, Tearing and Curling
t. Four varieties of tea based on size
Pekoe, Orange Pekoe, Pekoe Suchong and Pekoe dust
u. Process of mixing tea of good flavour and taste
v. Varieties of tea based on extent of fermentation
Green Tea, Black Tea and Oolong Tea
w. Three varieties of coffee
Coffee Arabica, Coffee Robusta and Coffee Liberica
x. Coffee which is used to make instant coffee
Coffee Liberica
y. Two trees which are grown to provide shade to the coffee plant
Oak and Jackfruit
z. Three cover crops in the cultivation of coffee
Orange, pepper and cardamom
Question. State the geographical conditions essential for the growth of sugarcane.
Ans. Soil Well drained, highly fertile soil like alluvial soil or black soil
Temperature 20 °C to 30°C
Rainfall 75 cm to 150 cm
Additional Alternating wet and dry conditions
Question. Why is irrigation necessary in the case of sugarcane cultivation?
Ans. Sugarcane requires alternating wet and dry conditions. This can be possible with controlled irrigation.
Hence, irrigation is necessary in the case of sugarcane cultivation.
Question. Why is it not advisable to grow two sugarcane crops one after another?
Ans. The sugarcane plant depletes the soil off its constituent minerals. Hence it is not advisable to grow two sugarcane crops one after another.
Question. List three ways in which sugarcane can be propagated.
Ans. a. Sowing of seeds
b. Growing from short stalks of sugarcane (setts)
c. Growing from stumps of existing harvested sugarcane crop (ratooning)
Question. What is ‘ratooning’? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Ans. Ratooning is a method by which a sugarcane crop is propagated from the stumps of an already harvested sugarcane crop. The advantage of ratooning is that the cost of cultivation is less; it matures earlier and requires less labour while growing. The disadvantage is that the ratoon crop is poorer in quality, its yield is less and soil is depleted.
Question. Why are manures essential for sugarcane cultivation?
Ans. The sugarcane crop puts heavy demands on the soil for minerals, which is why it is essential to treat the soil with manure before cultivating sugarcane.
Question. How is sugarcane harvested?
Ans. The sugarcane crop is cut close to the ground using a curved knife called a machete. This is done because the maximum concentration of sugar is at the base of the sugarcane plant.
Question. Which is the most critical condition in the processing of sugarcane? Why?
Ans. The harvested sugarcane must be sent for processing within 48 hours because its sugar content rapidly decreases after 48 hours.
Question. State the uses of molasses and bagasse.
Ans. Molasses are used to make alcohol.
Bagasse is used as an organic fertiliser and cattle feed. Besides, it is used as raw material in the paper industry and synthetic fibres.
Question. List the sugarcane producing states of India.
Ans. In northern India, sugarcane is grown in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana and Punjab.
In peninsular India, sugarcane is grown in Maharashra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
Question. State the problems faced by sugarcane farmers in India.
Ans. Sugracane farmers in India face the following problems.
a. Canal irrigation is ideal for providing alternating dry and wet conditions for sugarcane. But in India, canals are often non-perennial. This factor makes the supply of water uncertain.
b. In south India digging of canals is very difficult. Also, rainfall received is low in interior parts of the Deccan.
c. Sugarcane cultivation requires a large quantity of manure and fertilizers as it is a soil-exhausting crop.
d. Cultivation of sugarcane on very small farms becomes highly uneconomic.
e. In many cases, farms growing sugarcane are away from the factories. A delay of more than 2 days, i.e., 48 hours between harvesting and crushing of sugarcane gives decreased sugar content of the sugarcane.
f. The support price determined by the government for sugarcane does not consider the quality of sugarcane. So, there is no incentive for better crop.
Question. Why is the yield of sugarcane higher in the southern states?
Ans. In the southern states the sugarcane yield per hectare is higher due to the following reasons.
1. The farmers have consolidated their farms and hence reduced the cost of cultivation.
2. As a result of consolidation, the farmers are able to invest in better quality fertilisers, irrigation facilities, machines and setts of high yielding varieties of sugarcane.
3. Many farmers have established sugarcane processing units within the consolidated farms eliminating the risk associated due to transportation of sugarcane.
4. The farmers themselves work in the factories thus also eliminating labour cost in the sugarcane factories.
Question. What steps has the government taken to help sugarcane farmers?
Ans. The government has taken the following steps to help sugarcane-growing farmers.
1. The government has set up several fertiliser units like GSFC, IFFCO, GNFC, etc.
2. By constructing multi-purpose projects, the government has ensured a dependable supply of water.
3. In the Ganga Plains, the government has provided loans to the farmers for the construction of tube wells.
4. Co-operative societies have been established to provide support to the farmers and help solve many of the problems that they face.
5. The Sugarcane Research Institute at Coimbatore has been established by the government to develop hybrid varieties with much higher sugar content.
Question. Which characteristics of rubber make it such an important substance?
Ans. Rubber is elastic, water proof, air tight and insulates electricity. These characteristics of rubber have made it an important material.
Question. State the geographical conditions essential for the growth of rubber.
Ans. Soil Porous, well-drained laterite soil
Temperature 21 °C to 35°C
Rainfall 200 cm to 400 cm well distributed throughout the year
Additional Hot, humid and wet conditions throughout the year
Question. Describe the two methods used to propagate rubber.
Ans. Rubber can be cultivated or propagated in the following two ways: (Note: These methods are rarely practiced in India, In India grafting is the process)
1. Propagation by seeds: In this method, first of all, good quality seeds are germinated before planting. After germination, seedlings are planted in the nurseries. Unhealthy plants are eliminated in the early stage and good care is given to the rest of the healthy plants. The plants are then transplanted to the field.
2. Propagation by bud grafting: In this method, buds from high yielding rubber tree is grafted on the seedling of about 5 cm high. The graft is then bound for a few weeks. A leaf is also tied on the graft to provide shade. When new shoot starts coming out or below the union. After this, the new shoot or the grafted section becomes the main part of the tree.
Question. Why is rubber grown on gently sloping land?
Ans. Due to the following considerations rubber is grown on gentle slopes:
1. On flat or gentle slopes, machines can be used to clear the original vegetation.
2. Soil erosion becomes less on relatively gentle slopes, whereas on steep slopes soil erosion has turned out to be a major problem.
3. Terraced farming on steeper slopes may add to the cost of rubber cultivation because the formation of terraces requires additional labour.
4. Tapping of latex becomes easier on gently sloping land.
Question. What are ‘cover crops’ in the context of rubber cultivation?
Ans. Some leguminous crops are sown between the seedling trees of rubber to conserve the soil by adding humus and nitrogen content to the soil. The cover crops become the source of income for farmers until the rubber trees become mature after 7 to 8 years and starts giving income.
Question. List the four criteria for tapping latex from the rubber tree.
Ans. Tapping latex from the rubber tree would involve the following considerations.
1. The cut of groove has to be made 1.5 m above the ground.
2. The cut should be sloping towards the right.
3. The cut should be inclines at 30° with the horizontal.
4. The cut should be only 2 mm deep.
Question. Why is taping of latex not done during the rains?
Ans. Tapping of latex is not done during as it dilutes the latex.
Question. How is rubber processed?
The following steps are involved in the processing of rubber:
1. Coagulation of rubber by adding acids into it.
2. Pressing of rubber to squeeze out water.
3. Drying and smoking of rubber.
4. Packing rubber in bales for marketing.
Question. Which conditions in Kerala favour the growth of rubber?
Ans. Kerala is well suited for the growth of rubber. This is due to the following factors.
1. The climate of Kerala is almost equatorial. It enjoys a hot and humid climate throughout the year.
2. Kerala receives plenty of rain from April to November.
3. It has well drained laterite soil in the Annamalai hills which is suitable for the growth of rubber.
Question. Why is tapping considered to be such a skilled job?
Ans. Tapping of latex from a rubber tree is really a skilled job because a tapper has to make a cut which is only 2mm deep. If the cut becomes deep, it will damage the cambium which is a paper-like thin skin between the bark and the wood of the tree.
Question. Which is the most widespread fibre crop of India? Which soil is most suitable for its growth?
Ans. Cotton is the most widespread fibre crop of India. Black soil is most suitable for its growth.
Question. State the geographical conditions essential for the growth of cotton.
Ans. Soil Black soil most suitable, but can grow on red soil and alluvial soil etc.
Temperature 21 °C to 27°C, abundant sunshine
Rainfall 50 cm to 80 cm well distributed during the growing season
Additional Warm days, cool nights; can be grown both as kharif and rabi crop
Question. Why is dry weather essential at the time of picking cotton?
Ans. Dry weather and sunny days at the time of harvesting of cotton help ripening and bursting of cotton balls.
Question. What is meant by ‘ginning’?
Ans. Ginning is a process by which the cotton fibre is separated from the cotton seeds. This is done using a ginning machine.
Question. What is short staple and long staple cotton? Which states in India produce long staple cotton?
Ans. Short staple cotton has a fibre length of 2.2 cm while long staple cotton has a fibre length of 2.8 cm. In India, long staple cotton is grown in Punjab and Haryana.
Question. State the distinctive feature of marketing raw cotton in Maharashtra?
Ans. In Maharashtra, many co-operative societies have undertaken the marketing of cotton. They also undertake its ginning and processing. The government of Maharashtra also buys cotton from farmers at fixed guaranteed prices. This is to provide fair prices to the farmers and also to ensure the supply of unadulterated cotton to the consumers at reasonable prices.
Question. State the geographical conditions essential for the growth of jute.
Ans. The geographical conditions essential for the growth of jute.
Soil Deltaic alluvial soil renewed every year
Temperature 27 °C to 34°C
Rainfall 170 cm to 200 cm
Additional Relative Humidity of 80% to 90%
Question. Why is jute called the ‘brown paper bag of wholesale trade’?
Ans. Jute is called the ‘brown paper bag of wholesale trade’ due to the widespread use of the jute fabric for wrapping bales of cotton and wool and packing and storing of cereals, fertilisers, finished products, etc in jute sacks.
Question. Describe the appearance of fully grown jute plant.
Ans. The jute plant grows to a height of 2 to 4 metres. It has a spear like appearance and round 1 inch stems. It has some branches at the top. The fibre which is soft yet strong is obtained from the inner bark of the stem.
Question. How long does jute take to mature? When is it harvested?
Ans. Jute takes 4 to 6 months to mature. The appearance of flowers marks its maturity. It is harvested in September-October.
Question. What do you mean by ‘retting’?
Ans. Retting is a microbiological process of removal of jute fibre from its stalk. After harvesting the jute, plants are submerged in soft, running water for two or three weeks. This loosens the fibres to remove it from the stalk. The retting process is said to be complete if the fibres slip out easily when the stalk is pressed between the index finger and thumb.
Question. Briefly state the processes which are undertaken to prepare the jute crop for export.
Ans. a. After the retting process is complete, the fibres are obtained from the stalk by beating them with a wooden mallet to loosen the fibres.
b. The fibres are washed in clean water and wrung. They are then spread out in the sun to dry.
c. When the fibres are dry, they are bundled and sorted according to quality.
d. The bales are of 180 kg if meant for export and between 55 to 150 kg, if meant for local use.
e. They are sent to Kolkata, which is the nearest port, for export.
Question. What are the uses that jute can be put to?
Ans. Jute can be used for making ropes, sacks, carpets, rugs, tarpaulins, upholstery, etc. Nowadays, jute dresses are also manufactured and sold in the market.
Question. Which is a crop which can substitute some of the uses of jute? What advantages does it have over jute?
Ans. Where is it grown in India
Ans. Mesta is a crop which can substitute jute. It has coarser fibre and is inferior to jute in quality in strength. It can be used to make coarser sacks and bags. Since it can tolerate drier conditions, it can be grown in areas unsuitable for the cultivation of jute. Mesta is cultivated in Assam, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Kerala.
Question. Name the major jute producing regions of India.
Ans. 62% of the total jute comes from West Bengal. Jute is also cultivated in Bihar, Assam and Orissa.
Question. State the economic importance of oilseeds in India.
Ans. a. As agricultural produce, oil seeds rank second to food grains in the Indian economy.
b. Oil-seeds provide vegetable oils which are being preferred to animal fats now-a-days, as people are becoming more and more health conscious.
c. Edible oils form a necessary part of our diet and provide energy.
d. Extraction of edible oil from oil-seeds in mills and ghanis gives employment to people. The oil industry provides employment to more than 10 million people.
e. Oil-cake is used as cattle feed and also as fertilizer for crops like cotton, tobacco, tea, sugarcane, etc.
f. Linseed oil and other vegetable oils are in demand in the manufacture of paints, varnishes and lubricants.
Question. What is‘oilcake’? What is its use?
Ans. After oil has been extracted from the oilseeds, the remainder is made into a cake known as oil cake. It is used as cattle feed.
Question. Name four oilseeds which yield edible oil and two oilseeds which yield non-edible oil.
Ans. Oilseeds which yield edible oil are
a. Groundnut
b. Sunflower
c. Cotton seed
d. Mustard and Rapeseed
Oil seeds which yield non-edible oil are linseed and castor.
Question. After oil extraction, what other uses can the oilseed is put to?
After oil extraction the oil seed can be made into an oil cake which in turn is used as a cattle feed.
Question. State the main uses of linseed oil.
Ans. Linseed oil is used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, thinners and printing inks. Besides it is also used in the seasoning of wood. The oil cake can be use as cattle feed.
Question. What conditions of soil and climate are suitable for the cultivation of groundnut?
Ans. Soil Light, sandy soil
Temperature 22 °C to 28°C
Rainfall 50 cm to 75 cm
Additional Grown as a rabi crop in the southern states, as a kharif elsewhere
Question. State the significance of the groundnut crop.
Ans. a. Groundnut oil forms an excellent cooking medium as refined oil and vanaspati ghee.
b. It is used in the manufacture of soaps, lubricants, candles, and margarine.
c. It is a leguminous plant which enriches the soil.
d. Its oil-cake is used as cattle feed.
e. Groundnut is eaten raw and roasted. It is nutritious as it contains vitamins A and B.
Question. Is groundnut a ‘kharif’ crop of a ‘rabi’ crop? In which state is it grown extensively?
Ans. Groundnut is grown as a rabi crop in the southern state and as a kharif crop elsewhere. It is grown extensively in Gujarat.
Question. Why are mustard and rapeseed grown along with wheat?
Ans. The geographical requirements of mustard and rapeseed are similar to those of wheat. Hence, they are intercropped along with wheat.
Question. State four uses of sesamum oil.
Ans. a. Sesamum oil is used in cooking, perfumery and medicinal purposes.
b. Its seeds are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and minerals, so these can be eaten fried or with sugar as laddoos and tilpattis.
c. It serves as a good condiment for pickles.
d. Oil-cake of sesamum makes an ideal food for milch cattle and pigs.
Question. Why is linseed oil used in making paints and printing ink? What other uses can linseed oil be put to?
Ans. As linseed oil dries up easily, it is used in making paints and printing ink. It can be also used in the seasoning of wood. The oil cake can be use as cattle feed.
Question. What are the uses of castor oil?
Ans. Oil extracted from castor seed is used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, printing inks, soaps, plastic, oil cloth and transparent paper. It is also used as lubricant for high speed engines and aeroplanes.
Question. List some of the unique characteristics of soya bean.
Ans. a. Its beans may be eaten as a vegetable or can be made into different types of food.
b. Its beans contain twice as much proteins and fats than meat.
c. Soya bean contains all the 22 amino acids required for a balanced and healthy growth.
d. They are good source of iron and calcium and are low in cholesterol and starch.
e. Flour made from soya beans is gluten-free.
f. Its oil is low in fat.
Question. What are the uses of soya bean oil?
Ans. Apart from cooking, soya bean oil is used to make margarine, paints, varnishes, etc.
Question. What is the economic importance of tea in India?
Ans. The tea crop in India is important due to the following reasons.
1. It is the most preferred beverage in India
2. It provides employment to 1 million people in the areas where it is grown.
3. It supports the plywood, fertiliser and the transport industry.
4. It is one of the major foreign exchange earners of India.
Question. What conditions of soil and climate are suitable for the cultivation of tea?
Ans. Soil Porous soil like laterite soil
Temperature 25 °C, frost free conditions
Rainfall 150 cm to 200 cm well distributed throughout the year
Additional Cannot tolerate stagnant conditions so it is to be grown on hill slopes
Question. Explain why hill slopes are preferred for the cultivation of tea.
Ans. Tea plant cannot tolerate stagnant water around its roots. So, to prevent water-logging, mountainous slopes are preferred for tea cultivation.
Question. What is clonal planting in tea cultivation?
Ans. In this method of tea growing, seeds are not planted rather cuttings from good high-yielding mother plants are used. This method is known as clonal planting.
Question. What is meant by ‘pruning’? State the reason for pruning.
Ans. Pruning is a method by which the central stem of the tea plant is cut in order to arrest vertical growth and keep the plant at a convenient height. This also encourages lateral growth and the occurrence of new shoots with soft leaves.
Question. List the importance of all the five stages in the processing of tea.
Ans. a. Withering: This step removes the excess moisture from the tea leaves.
b. Rolling: To get the characteristic flavour, the leaves are twisted to break the cells. This step exposes the natural juices to fermentation.
c. Fermentation: The tannin in the leaves is oxidised in order to impart a coppery red colour to the tea leaves.
d. Drying: In this process, tea leaves are put in an oven set at a temperature between 70 °C and 75 °C for two weeks.
e. Sorting: Tea leaves are sorted according to decreasing size.
Question. Explain how tea is plucked?
Ans. Tea leaves can be plucked after 3 to 5 years. Plucking is done by hand. The tea pluckers pluck a set of two tender leaves and a bud known as a ‘flush’ which is called fine plucking. Each plucker plucks up to 50 kg of tea leaves every day.
Question. What is meant by ‘blending’ of tea?
Ans. Blending of tea involves a desirable mixing of tea of good flavour and good liquor. Blending of tea is done by ‘tea-tasters’ who have sensitive tea buds. Darjeeling tea has good flavour while Assam tea has good liquor.
Question. Describe how tea is exported from India.
Ans. After tea has been processed, sorted and blended it is packed in plywood chests lined with aluminium foil in order to retain its flavour. It is then sent to Kolkata or Kochi for export.
Question. Explain ‘green’ tea, ‘black’ tea and ‘oolong’ tea.
Ans. Green tea is neither fermented nor processed. Oolong tea is partially fermented and processed. Black tea is completely fermented and processed.
Question. Which conditions favour the growth of tea in Assam?
Ans. The following conditions favour the growth of tea in Assam.
1. Assam consists of gently sloping hills topped with laterite soil.
2. It has a warm, humid climate.
3. It receives plenty of rainfall throughout the year.
4. Plenty of cheap labour is available from the surrounding regions.
5. Tea grown in Assam is sent to Kolkata for export.
Question. Describe the appearance of the coffee plant.
Ans. The coffee plant has shiny, green leaves and bears white flowers. It bears cherry like fruits which are initially green but turn into crimson red when ripe. Each fruit contains two coffee beans covered with a parchment or pulp.
Question. What conditions of soil and climate are suitable for the cultivation of coffee?
Ans. Soil Well drained soil rich in humus
Temperature 15 °C to 28 °C, dry season while harvesting
Rainfall 150 cm to 200 cm well distributed throughout the year
Additional Altitude of 1100 to 2200 m; should be protected from sunlight
Question. What is the importance of ‘cover’ crops in the context of coffee cultivation?
Ans. The coffee plant starts yielding fruits after about 6 years. To cover expenditures during this long period, coffee estates are inter planted with ‘cover crops’ like orange trees, cardamom and pepper vines.
Question. How is coffee processed?
Ans. The processing of coffee involves the following steps.
1. The upper parchment is removes (parching). This can be done in one of the following ways.
a. Wet or Parchment method: In this method, coffee beans are fermented and washed in tanks several
times. Then they are dried and cured. Machines remove the thin skin of the berries called parchment.
b. Dry or Native method: The outer covering of berries is removed in this method by drying them under the sun. Seeds are pounded to remove their parchment.
2. The coffee beans are then roasted.
3. The beans are then sorted according to quality and size.
Question. Explain why all the coffee producing states are in southern India.
Ans. a. The Western Ghats provide ideal altitude between 700 to 1500 metres for coffee cultivation.
b. Soil here is loamy, well-drained and rich in iron and humus contents.
c. Temperature (150C to 280C) and rainfall (125 cm to 300 cm) from the south-west monsoons are highly suitable for coffee growth in southern India.
d. Sunny days and dry weather required for drying of berries are also available in southern India. Such a mix of conditions is not available in the northern states of India.
Question. Name the leading sugarcane producing state in India.
Answer: Uttar Pradesh is the leading sugarcane producing state in India.
Question. Why are trees planted in between tea and coffee plantations?
Ans. Both the tea and coffee plants cannot tolerate direct, intense, sunlight. For this reason, trees are planted in between tea and coffee plantations to provide shade to the plants.
Question. Discuss some of the problems faced by the coffee cultivators of India.
Ans. The total production of coffee in India is low as compared to other countries of the world. it is due to the lack of high-yielding plants, poor and outdated management techniques and unimpressive use of manure and pesticides. The quality of India coffee also fluctuates frequently depending upon climatic and soil conditions in India.
Question. Name one state where consumption of mustard oil is popular.
Answer: Uttar Pradesh is one of the state where consumption of mustard oil is popular.
Question. Explain the role of Government solving problems of sugarcane cultivators (farmers).
Answer: (i) Cooperative societies have been set up by the government to help the farmers.
(ii) Rural credit banks provide loans to farmers at low interest rate for buying farming tools, high yielding variety seeds, fertilisers and pesticides.
(iii) Better irrigation means are developed to provide regular water for irrigation of sugarcane farms

Question. What are ‘cash crops’? What are they-also known as?
Answer: Cash crops are those crops which are mainly grown for sale. They are also known as ‘commercial crops’. They provide raw materials to agrobased industries.
Question. State the conditions of temperature, rainfall and soil necessary for the growth of mustard.
Answer: Temperature : Mustard grows best in cool climate, i.e. in temperature which ranges from 10ºC to 20ºC.
Rainfall : The crop requires rainfall varying between 25 to 40 cm.
Soil : Mustard can be grown on loams but slightly heavier soils are preferred.
Question. Which are the oilseeds that yield edible oil?
Answer: Groundnut, rapeseed, mustard, sunflower, soyabean, sesamum, safflower are the oilseeds that yield edible oil.
Question. Name two important oilseeds grown in India. Describe where are they cultivated and the purpose for which they are used.
Answer: The two important oilseeds are groundnut and mustard seed.
(i) Groundnut is grown in Gujarat, Telangana and Tamil Nadu.
(ii) Mustard seeds are grown in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh.
(iii) The purpose of growing these oilseeds is that it is used for extraction of oil for cooking purpose and the residue is used for preparing oil cakes which is used as fodder.
Question. What is the main disadvantage of growing sugarcane by ‘sett’ method?
Answer: The main disadvantage of sett method is that it needs more labour. Thus cost of cultivation is more.
Question. What are the various products made of sugarcane?
Answer: Jaggery (gur), Khandsari and sugar are the three main products.
Question. What percent of the world’s sugarcane is cultivated in India?
Answer: India grows about 20% (1/5) of the world production of sugarcane.
Question. Mention the climatic conditions that is suitable for sugarcane cultivation.
Answer: (i) Sugarcane matures in 10 to 12 months depending on the climate.
(ii) Sugarcane grows best in areas with 20ºC to 26ºC temperature. Its growth starts at a mean temperature of about 20ºC and the growth accelerates with an increase in temperature to 24ºC and finally stops at 26ºC.
(iii) Sugarcane grows well in tropical regions with 100 – 150 cm of rainfall well distributed throughout the year.
Question. State the economic importance of oilseeds.
Answer: The economic importance of oilseeds are it is used to manufacture hydrogenated oil and cake to cattle and the oil extracted are send to foreign
countries to earn profit.
Question. State the three main areas of sugarcane production.
Answer: Sugarcane is cultivated throughout India between 8ºN to 32ºN latitude.
There are three main areas of sugarcane production in India :
(a) Sutlej – Ganga plain from Punjab to Bihar;
(b) Black soil area from Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu; and
(c) Coastal Andhra Pradesh and the Krishna valley.
Question. Give the name of any three oilseeds grown in India.
Answer: All the principal oilseeds – groundnut, linseed, sesamum, soyabean, cotton
seeds, sunflower, rapeseed, mustard, etc. are grown in India.
Question. Explain in detail sett method cultivation of sugarcane.
Answer: (i) New canes are usually planted by taking cuttings from old plants. These cuttings, known as setts, quickly become established and after a few days buds sprout to each cutting.
(ii) The sugarcane takes anything from 8 months to a year to mature.
Question. State the temperature requirement of sugarcane.
Answer: Sugarcane grows best in areas with 20ºC to 26ºC temperature. Its growth starts at a mean temperature of about 20ºC and the growth accelerates
with an increase in temperature to 24ºC and finally stops at 26ºC.
Question. Mention the main uses of groundnut.
Answer: Manufacture of hydrogenated oil and margarine are the main uses of groundnut. It is used as a cooking medium.
Question. Name an oilseed which is mainly a rainfed crop.
Answer: Soyabean is mainly a rainfed crop.
Question. Name one state in North and one in South India where sugarcane is grown extensively.
Answer: In North, Uttar Pradesh and in South, Tamil Nadu are the states where sugarcane is grown extensively.
Question. What advantage does South India have over the North with reference to sugarcane cultivation?
Answer: South India, has higher per hectare yield and better quality of the crop as compared to North India owing to the favourable maritime climate free from the effects of summer loo and winter frost, sufficient irrigation and new farming techniques.
Question. Give two conditions other than climate for the growth of sugarcane.
Answer: Proper irrigation facilities and loamy and black soils are also favourable for sugarcane.
Question. Which two states in India are the leading producers of groundnut?
Answer: Gujarat and Maharashtra are leading producer of ground nuts.
