Students can refer to Industrial Relations and Trade Unions ICSE Class 10 notes and exam questions provided for ICSE students. This is an important chapter in ICSE commercial studies class 9. We have provided here questions and answers which are expected to come in the upcoming ICSE exams for class 10th. Prepared based on the latest examination pattern and guidelines issued by ICSE. You can also refer to ICSE Books in pdf available for the latest academic session.
ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies Industrial Relations and Trade Unions Important Questions
Students should learn the important questions and answers given below for Chapter Definitions From Topo Maps in Commercial Studies for ICSE Class 10. These board questions are expected to come in the upcoming exams. Students of ICSE Class 10th should go through the Important questions and answers ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies which will help them to get more marks in exams.
Board Exam Questions Industrial Relations and Trade Unions ICSE Class 10 Commercial Studies
Question: What do you understand by ‘Group Insurance’? State any three features of Group insurance.
Ans. Group Insurance is scheme which provides cover on the lives of several persons under one insurance policy. It is generally taken by an employer to ensure the lives of his employees at a low cost. The policy provides risk cover to an employee so long as he remains in the service of the concerned employer. Insurance cover is provided to all the employees without proof of insurability.
Three features of Group Insurance are as follows :
1. It is an insurance contract between an employer and the insurance company .
2. The insurance premium is paid by the employer and a part of it is deducted from the employee’s wage or salary.
3. In case of death of an employee the amount received by the employer from the insurance company is paid to the nominee of the concerned employee.
Question: What is a trade union ?
Ans. Trade unions are an essential feature of industry in every country. Trade unions emerged as a reaction to the factory to the factory system and capitalistic society. In the early stage of industrialisation, working class in the absence of legal protection felt exploited at the hands of employers. Workers joined hands to protect their interests through collective action. A trade union is, thus an organised expression of the needs, aspirations and attitudes of the working class.
Question: Explain any two social security measures adopted in India.
Ans. Two social security measure adopted in India are given below :
(i) Provident Fund Scheme :
Under the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, the Central Government has established the provident fund scheme for employees. Every employee is entitled to become member of the scheme after completing three months of continous service. The employee and the employer contribute every month ten per cent of the basic wages. The total contributions are invested in specified investments. The accumulated amount of standing credit to an employee is payable on retirement, death or at the time of leaving service. An employee can get advances and permanent withdrawals for construction of house, marriage of dependents and other specificed purpose, like serious illness.
(ii) Gratuity : Gratuity is a terminal benefit to a worker when he leaves the employment after working for a certain number of years. Originally, gratuity was an ex-gratia or voluntary payment made by an employer to his employees who retired after long and dedicated services. It is meant to protect the superannuated employee against the risk of old age. Under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, gratuity is payable to an employee on the following occasions ;
(a) termination of employment on superannuation;
(b) termination of employment on retirement;
(c) termination of employment due to resignation;
(d) termination of employment due to disablement;
(e) termination of employment on death.
Question: What is a Provident Fund Scheme?
Ans. Under the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, the Central Government has established the provident fund scheme for employees. Every employee is entitled to become member of the scheme after completing three months of continuous service. The employee and the employer contribute every month ten per cent of the basic wages. The total contributions are invested in specified investments. The accumulated amount of standing credit to an employee is payable on retirement, death or at the time of leaving service. An- employe can get advances and permanent withdrawals for construction of house, marriage of dependents and other specified purposes, like serious illness.
Question: Why is ‘Gratuity’ given by an emloyer to an emloyee?
Ans. Gratuity is a terminal benefit to a worker when he leaves the employment after working for a certain number of years. Originally, gratuity was an exgratia or voluntary payment made by an employer to his employees who retired after long and dedicated services. It is meant to protect the superannuated employee against the risk of old age.
Question: What are maternity benefits?
Ans. Maternity Benefit are as follows :
Under this Act, a woman worker can get maternity leave up to 12 weeks. Out of this 6 weeks must be prior to the delivery of the child and 6 weeks immediately thereafter. During the period of leave the employee is entitled to full wage/ salary. In addition, a medical bonus of Rs. 25 per day is payable if the employer provides no free medical care. In order to avail of these benefits, the employee must have worked for at least 100 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of expected delivery. The employee shall forfeit her claim to the maternity benefit if she works in any establishment during the leave period.
Question: Mention any two ways by which employees get social security.
Ans. Employees get social security in the following ways :
(i) An employee is entitled to pension after his/her retirement until death.
(ii) At the time of retirement the employee is paid gratuity which is usually at the rate of one day’s salary for every month of service, subject to the specified limit.
Question: What is ‘Social Security’?
Ans. The purpose of social security is to provide an income up to a minimum and also medical treatment to bring the interruption of earning to an end as soon as possible.
(2) Give two objectives of Industrial relations.
Mention two objectives of Industrial relations.
Ans. The main objectives of industrial relations are as follows :
(i) To develop and maintain harmonious relations between management and labour so essential for higher productivity of labour and industrial progress in the country.
(ii) To safeguard the interests of labour as well as management by securing the highest level of mutual understanding and goodwill between all sections in industry.
Question: Briefly explain the term Pension ?
Ans. Under the Employees’ Provident runds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
the Government of India has framed family pension scheme to provide family pension benefits to the employees. The scheme was launched with the objective of providing long term recurring financial assistance to the employee after retirement and to his family in case of premature death while in service.
Question: Distinguish between Provident Fund and Pension
Ans. (i) Both employer and employee contribute every month to a provident fund while only the employer contributes to pension.
(ii) Amount of provident fund is paid once in lump sum whereas pension is paid every month.
Question: Explain the objectives of Industrial relations.
Ans. The main objectives of industrial relations are as follows :
(i) To develop and maintain harmonious relations between management and labour so essential for higher productivity of labour and industrial progress in the country.
(ii) To safeguard the interests of labour as well as management by securing the highest level of mutual understanding and goodwill between all sections in industry.
(iii) To establish and maintain industrial democracy based on the participation of labour in the management and gains of industry, so that the personality of every individual is fully recognised and developed.
(iv) To-avoid all forms of industrial conflict so as to ensure industrial peace by providing better working and living standards to workers.
(v) To raise productivity in an era of full employment by reducing the tendency of higher labour turnover and absenteeism.
Question: Distinguish between social insurance and social assistance.
Ans. (i) In social insurance the employer and the employee contribute while social asistance is given by the government.
(ii) Social insurance is payble without considering the financial position of the employee. But social assistance depends on the employee’s finanacial position.
Question: Define Industrial relations and Explain any three of its features.
Ans. Industrial relations mean the relationships between employers and employees in industrial organisations. The term industrial relations refers to the whole field of relationships among people, human relationships that exist because of the necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment process of modern industry.
The characteristics of industrial relations are as follows :
(i) Industrial relations are the outcome of the employment relationship in industry. These relations cannot exist without the two partiesemployers and employees. It is the industry which provides the setting for industrial relations.
(ii) Industrial relations include both individual relations as well as collective relations. Individual relations imply relations between employer and employees. Collective relations mean relations between employers’ associations and trade unions as well as the role of the State in regulating these relations.
(iii) The concept of industrial relations is complex and multi-dimensional. The concept is not limited to relations between trade unions and employers but also extends to the general web of relationships between employers, employees and the Government. It covers regulated as well as unregulated, institutionalised as well as individual relations. These multi-pronged relationships may be in organised or unorganised sector.
Question: State two weaknesses of trade unions in India.
Ans. (i) Uneven Growth
(ii) Small Size
Question: Explain the extramural function of trade unions.
Ans. Extramural functions include providing financial and non-financial assistance to workers during period of strikes and lockouts, extension of medical facilities during sickness and casualties, provision of education, recreations and housing facilities, provision of social and religious benefits, etc.
Question: Discuss the causes of poor Industrial relations in India.
Ans. The causes of four Industrial relations in Indial are :
(i) Economic Causes : Poor wages and poor working conditions are the main reason for unhealthy relations among management and labour. Unauthorised deductions from wages, lack of fringe benefits, absence of promotional opportunities, dissatisfaction with job evaluation and performance appraisal methods, faulty incentive schemes are other economic causes.
(ii) Organisational Causes : Faulty communication system, dilution of supervisio n and command, non recognition to trade unions, unfair practices, violation of collective agreements and standing orders and labour laws are the organisational causes of poor relations in industry.
(iii) Social Causes : Uninteresting nature of work is the main social cause. Factory system and specialisation have made worker a subordinate to the machine. Worker has lost sense of pride and satisfaction in the job. Tensions and, conflicts in society, break-up of joint family system, growing intolerance have also led to poor industrial relations.
(iv) Psychological Causes : Lack of job security, poor organisational culture, non-recognition of merit and performance, authoritative administration and poor interpersonal relations are the psychological reasons for unsatisfactory employer-employee relations.
(v) Political Causes : Political nature of trade unions, multiple unions and inter-union rivalry weaken trade union movement. In the absence of strong and responsible trade unions, collective bargaining becomes ineffective. The union’s status is reduced to a mere strike committee. The outsiders who become union leaders by making wild promises to workers make excessive demands on employers. When employers do not accept their demands, conflicts arise spoiling the industrial relations climate in the country.
Question: Distinguish between Gratuity and Provident Fund.

Question: Distinguish between Gratuity and Provident Fund.

Question: Explain the nature and objectives of trade unions.
Ans. Trade unions are an essential feature of industry in every country. Trade unions emerged as a reaction to the factory system and capitalistic society. In the early stage of industrialisation, working class in the absence of legal protection felt exploited at the hands of employers. Workers joined hands to protect their interests through collected action. A trade union is, thus an organised expression of the needs, aspirations and attitudes of the working class.
The following are the characteristics of trade unions :
(i) Association : A trade union is an association or combination of employees. It has a large number of worker members from one or more occupations.
(ii) Voluntary : Membership of a trade union is voluntary. Generally, there is no legal or other pressure to join a trade union and a person can join or leave the union on his free will.
(iii) Permanent : A trade union is a continuing or permanent rather than a temporary or casual combination. It has to be a long term body as otherwise it cannot achieve its objectives.
The main objectives of trade unions are as follows :
(i) To secure for the worker fairer wages in the light of the cost of living and the prevailing standards of living,
(ii) To improve working conditions by securing shorter working hours, better leave facilities, adequate social security, better housing and education and other welfare benefits,
(iii) To assure the workers a share in the increased profitability of industry through payment of adequate bonus.
Question: What is meant by Industrial disputes?
Ans. Industrial disputes are organised protests against existing terms and conditions of employment. These disputes are symptoms of industrial unrest in a country. According to the Industrial Disputes Act. 1947, “An industrial dispute or difference between employers and employees, or between employers and workmen or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non – employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of labour of any persons.”
Question: Explain the term social security.
Ans. The concept of social security is essentially related to the high ideals of human dignity and social justic. It is primarily an instrument of social and economic justice. According to I.L.O., “Social security is the protection which society provides for its members through a series of public measures, against the economic and social distress that otherwise would be caused by the stoppage or substantial reduction of earning resulting from sickness, maternity, employment, injury, unemployment, invalidity, old age and death, the provision of subsidies for familiesw with children.” In the words of William Beveridge, social security means “The securing of an income to take the place of earnings when they are interrupted by unemployment, sickness or accident to provide for the retirement through old age, to provide against loss of support by death of another person and to provide for the retirement through old age, to provide against loss of support by death of another person and to meet exceptional expenditure connected
with birth, death or marriage.” The purpose of social security is to provide an income up to a minimum and also medical treatment to bring the interruption of earning to an end as soon as possible. On the basis of these definitions, the following features of social security can be listed.
(i) Social security is a measure of ensuring social justice.
(ii) It is an essential part of public policy in a welfare state like India.

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