Please refer to Physical Education Class 10 ICSE In Juries and First Aid notes provided below. These revision notes have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern for ICSE Class 10 Physical Education issued for the current academic year. Students should always revise these revision notes prior to their exams to properly prepare and understand all topics. After reading these notes also refer to Sample Papers for Class 10 ICSE Physical Education
ICSE Class 10 Physical Education In Juries and First Aid Revision Notes
Students can refer to the quick revision notes prepared for Chapter In Juries and First Aid in Class 10 ICSE. These notes will be really helpful for the students giving the Physical Education exam in ICSE Class 10. Our teachers have prepared these concept notes based on the latest ICSE syllabus and ICSE books issued for the current academic year. Please refer to Chapter wise notes for ICSE Class 10 Physical Education provided on our website.
Physical Education Class 10 ICSE In Juries and First Aid Notes
➢ Soft tissue injuries : These include the injuries like Contusion, Strains, Sprains, Abrasion and Bruises.
➢ Contusion : Muscle injury caused by being hit or kicked. It results in swelling, stiffness and reddening of skin.
Prevention :
(i) Use of protective equipment
(ii) Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity
(iii) Smooth and clean sports area
(iv) Alertness while playing
(v) Complete knowledge about the game
➢ Strains : Muscle injury caused by pulling or twisting of muscle or tendon.
Prevention : Proper conditioning during preparation :
(i) Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity
(ii) Smooth and clean sports area
(iii) Alertness while playing
(iv) Complete knowledge about the game
(v) Discontinue playing in case of fatigue
➢ Sprains : Ligament injury caused due to falling or twisting of ligament.
Prevention : Proper conditioning during preparation :
(i) Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity
(ii) Smooth and clean sports area
(iii) Alertness while playing
(iv) Complete knowledge about the game
(v) Discontinue playing in case of fatigue
(vi) Eat well balanced diet
(vii) Wear proper footwear
➢ Abrasion : Rubbing off of skin due to friction in case of falling or sliding over ground. It may result in bleeding and pain.
Prevention :
(i) Use of protective equipment
(ii) Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity
(iii) Smooth and clean sports area
(iv) Alertness while playing
(v) Complete knowledge about the game
(vi) Minimal skin area should be exposed
(vii) Discontinue playing in case of fatigue
➢ Bruises : Damaging of inner tissues of skin and blood vessels while outer skin surface has no effect. It causes darkening of the affected spot, pain and tenderness.
(i) Use of protective equipment
(ii) Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity
(iii) Smooth and clean sports area
(iv) Alertness while playing
(v) Discontinue playing in case of fatigue
(vi) Should not play rashly
➢ Fracture : Breaking of bone at one or more places.
(a) Causes of fractures :
(i) Unnatural movements
(ii) Sudden heavy impact
(iii) Direct hit
(iv) Osteoporosis
(v) Excessive running or walking.
(b) Prevention of fracture :
(i) Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity
(ii) Smooth and clean sports area
(iii) Alertness while playing
(iv) Complete knowledge about the game
(v) Eat well balanced diet
(vi) Wear proper footwear
(vii) Should not play rashly
➢ Role of individuals in preventing sports accidents :
(i) Use of required protective gear and equipment
(ii) Ensuring fitness of the player
(iii) Proper coaching to the player
(iv) Regular inspection of sports equipment and facilities
(v) Preventive and precautionary measures taken to meet extreme climatic conditions
(vi) Avoidance of excessive fatigue and over training
(vii) Follow of sports rule
(viii) Adequate warming-up and conditioning
(ix) Adequate cooling down
First Aid
➢ First Aid : It is an immediate and temporary help and care given to a wounded person or victim of an accident before a doctor arrives.
➢ First Aid for cuts : Cut is an injury due to opening in the skin surface. First aid steps for cuts are :
(i) Wash and dry your hands
(ii) Clean the wound with tap water
(iii) Don’t use antiseptic
(iv) Dry the area with cotton
(v) Apply dressing or sticking plaster
(vi) In case of pain, give a painkiller or paracetamol
(vii) Consult a doctor as a severe cut may need stitches
➢ First Aid for grazes/scraps : Grazes or Scraps are superficial damage to outer layer of skin with no bleeding or deep effect. First aid steps for grazes/scraps are :
(i) Wash and dry your hands
(ii) Wash affected area with soap and water
(iii) If dirt gets removed, leave the wound uncovered to self-heal
(iv) If dirt does not get removed, cover it with non-adhesive dressing and immediately consult a doctor
➢ First Aid for Strain :
(i) Make the affected area comfortable
(ii) Wash with cold water for 15-30 minutes
(iii) Do not apply ice directly but warp it in clean cloth and then apply
(iv) In case of excessive pain, give a painkiller or paracetamol
(v) Apply warm water after 5 days
(vi) Take rest for at least a week
➢ First Aid for Nose Bleeding :
(i) Make the person sit in chair with head backward and hands upwards
(ii) Keep a cold and wet cloth on the back of neck
(iii) Breathing to be done from mouth in the meanwhile
(iv) In case of continuous bleeding, consult the doctor
➢ First Aid for Abrasion :
(i) Clean the affected area with fresh water
(ii) Dry it with a piece of cotton
(iii) Use an anti-fungal or anti-bacterial ointment
(iv) Put a cotton dressing on the affected area
(v) Get tetanus injection from the doctor
➢ First Aid for Sprain : There are two methods PRICE and MICE :
(i) PRICE : It stands for Protect Rest Ice Compression and Elevation – This is followed for first 48 hours of the injury. After that MICE is followed.
(ii) MICE : It stands for Mobilization Ice Compression Elevation – This is followed after 48 hours from the injury till complete heeling of the injury.
➢ First Aid for Cramps : A Cramp is a sudden and uncontrolled contraction of muscles. First aid steps for Cramps are :
(i) Give a soft massage to the affected area
(ii) Drink a lot of water
(iii) Take multivitamin pill or powder
➢ First Aid for Bruises :
(i) Apply ice for first 24 hours with the help of a cloth
(ii) Give rest to the affected area
(iii) If possible, raise the affected area to an elevation
(iv) In case of severe pain, use a painkiller or paracetamol
➢ First Aid in case of Fracture :
(i) Give rest to the affected area
(ii) If there is bleeding, try to stop the bleeding first
(iii) Apply splints to the affected area. Splints can be made from wood, plastic, metal, etc.
(iv) Apply ice
(v) Consult the doctor immediately
➢ Mouth-to-Mouth Artificial Respiration : It is a life-saving technique in which air is blown into the mouth of victim keeping his nostrils closed to pump air into the lungs.
➢ Cardio-Pulmonary-Resuscitation (CPR) : It is an emergency life-saving technique performed with combination of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and chest compressions.
➢ First Aid in case of Drowning :
(i) Start Mouth-to-Mouth artificial respiration and CPR immediately.
(ii) Give chest compression as soon as you reach shore.
(iii) Check the heart beat and pulse.
(iv) Continue CPR till heart beat and pulse become normal.
(v) Make the person warm by removing wet clothes and covering with a warm or woollen clothes.
(vi) Call the doctor.