Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to The Second World War ICSE Class 10 Questions and answers below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions which have come in previous years so that you can understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 History and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams
ICSE Class 10 The Second World War Questions and Answers
Please refer to solved questions for chapter The First War of Independence 1857 provided below. These questions and answers are expected to come in the examinations. Students should learn these so that they are able to answer the questions properly in exams and get good marks. Refer to Important Questions for ICSE Class 10 History and Civics for all chapters on our website.
The Second World War Questions and Answers
Short Answer Type Questions
(1) How was the Treaty of Versailles responsible for the Second World War?
Ans. (i) The terms and conditions of the Treaty were very harsh and humiliating.
(ii) It imposed heavy war penalties and stripped off Germany’s military power and colonial possessions. Now it was Germany’s turn to take revenge.
(2) What prompted the armament race before the Second World War broke out.
Ans. (i) In order to achieve territorial gains, Germany, Italy and Japan began producing fire arms, guns, warships, air-crafts and other weapons.
(ii) The Disarmament Conferences and the League of Nations were unable to stop the armament race.
(3) Mention two reasons to show the weakness of the League of Nations to prevent the Second World War.
Ans. (i) The League of Nations had no military power of its own, the only weapon that was available with the League were the economic sanctions.
(ii) The USA did not become its member, because the Senate of the United States did not ratify the Covenant of the League of Nations.
(4) What is meant by the term ‘appeasement’? Who adopted it towards whom?
Ans. The policy of appeasement means a policy of conciliating with an aggressive power at the cost of some other weak country. It meant accepting the hostile demands of an aggressive nation to gain peace. Britain, America, and France followed the policy of appeasement towards Germany under Hitler.
(5) Mention the immediate cause of the outbreak of the Second World War.
Ans. The immediate cause of the outbreak of the Second World War was the German aggression on Poland on 1st September, 1939. On September 3, 1939, Britain and France declared a war against Germany and thus began the Second World War.
(6) What do you know about the Munich Pact ?
Ans. Hitler claimed a part of Czechoslovakia called Sudetenland. Instead of meeting the threat posed by Germany, the Prime Ministers of Britain and France met Hitler and Mussolini at Munich in Germany on 29th and 30th September, 1938, and agreed to Germany’s terms without the consent of Czechoslovakia.
(7) Name the four main countries included in the Allied Power.
Ans. The four countries included in the Allied Power were Britain, France, America and Soviet Russia.
(8) Name the incident which brought the USA in the Second World War.
Ans. On December 7, 1941, the US fleet based at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii was attacked by Japan. So, America declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy.
(9) Mention any two causes that led to the Second World War.
Ans. The two causes that led to the Second World War were :
(i) Unjust and Humiliating Treaty of Versailles : It imposed heavy war penalties and stripped off Germany’s military power and colonial possessions. Now it was Germany’s turn to take revenge.
(ii) The Weakness of the League of Nations : The League of Nations failed in its objective to maintain peace in the world and stop the dictators from acts of aggression.
(10) What was the issue between Germany and Poland that was a cause of World War II ? OR Why did Hitler demand the Danzig Corridor from Poland ?
Ans. (i) By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was divided into two parts in order to give a land-route to Poland upto the sea and the Port of Danzing was also given to Poland. Germany wanted to regain her lost territories. (ii) By occupying the Danzig Corridor, he could connect East Prussia with Germany.
(iii) City of Danzig was inhabited mainly by the Germans and Poland was accused of committing atrocities against Germans living there.
(11) State two reasons why Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement towards Germany in the 1930’s.
Ans. (i) They felt that dictators had real grievances due to humilating terms of Treaty of Versailles and if their grievances were removed, World War II can be avoided.
(ii) The Western powers wanted to check the rising tides of communism.
(iii) They allowed Germany to rearm so that anticommunist Hitler would divert his might to destroy communist Russia.
(12) Name the two Japanese cities on which the Americans dropped the atom bombs and the dates of doing so.
Ans. The Americans dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 respectively.
(13) Why did America drop the atom bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Ans. After the defeat of Germany, the Allied powers turned their attention towards Japan. In South East Asia, Japan had won victories over a number of countries and had occupied Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaya, Singapore, Myanmmar, parts of New Guinea and Indonesia. The British forces liberated Myanmar, Malaya, Philippines and Singapore. In the Potsdam Conference held on July 26, 1945, the Allied Powers asked Japan to surrender, but Japan turned a deaf ear. Consequently, America dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 respectively.
(14) What happened to Germany after her defeat in the War ?
Ans. After the defeat in the Second World War:
(i) Germany stood dismembered, humiliated and devastated.
(ii) Germany was divided into two parts i.e., the East Germany and the West Germany.
(15) What is meant by “Misery Belt” ? Why is it called so ?
Ans. The region of Europe, from Baltic to the Black Sea, was called the “Misery Belt” as it presented the tragic sight of ruined towns and cities, devastated bridges, roads, fields, factories etc. after the Second World War.
(16) Why did Britain and France become second rate powers after the Second World War ?
Ans. The Allies could succeed in WWII only because of US intervention in 1941. England and France suffered heavy losses in the war and became powerless. The world recognised the American might and hence Britain and France became second rate powers.
(17) To what do you attribute the rise of the USA as a super power after the Second World War?
Ans. Since Europe was the theatre of the War, USA remained unaffected of aerial bombings, across the Atlantic Ocean. American industries flourished due to large scale production. America lent and leased armaments to Allies and earned during War. Along with good economic position US possessed atom bomb that made it a Super Power.
(18) Why was the Soviet Union described as a Super Power after the Second World War ?
Ans. The Soviet Union was described as a Super Power after the Second World War as it’s empire was greatly expanded. It included half of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and many parts of Germany. Only USSR could thwart German offensive on the Eastern Front. It also became a dominant power in world politics and occupied the position of a leader of the Communist Bloc.
(19) Name the two power blocs that emerged after the Second World War.
Ans. The two power blocs that emerged after the Second World War were—the American Bloc consisting of America and west European countries and the Soviet Bloc which comprised of Russia and East European countries.
(20) What is meant by Bipolar World ?
Ans. The world was called Bi-polar as it was grouped into Capitalist nations (or Democratic Bloc) headed by the USA and Socialist nations (or Communist Bloc) headed by the USSR.
(21) How did the war affect the subject people of the imperialist powers ?
Ans. After the Second World War, imperialist powers were financially exhausted and militarily weakened. Many subject countries were able to free themselves. Some of these countries were India, Burma, Malaya, Indo-China and Indonesia.
(22) Mention two consequences of the Second World War.
Ans. (a) The Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan were defeated at the end of the Second World War. (b) The Soviet Union and the USA emerged as the super powers.
(23) When and why was the United Nations Organisation established?
Ans. The United Nations Organisations was established on October 24, 1945 with headquarters at New York (USA) to save the coming generation from the scourge of war.
(24) Mention any four consequences of World War II?
Ans. Emergence of the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union as Super Powers, resurgence of Nationalism in Asia and Africa, birth of the United Nations organizations, Cold War and bipolarisation of the world were some important consequences of WW II.
(25) What led to division of the world into two Power Blocs?
Ans. After the end of the Second World War, the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union emerged as two Super Powers in world politics. The world was divided in two blocs, i.e., the Anglo-American Bloc or Capitalist nations led by the U.S.A. which included U.S.A., Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Canada, Australia, Greece, Netherlands, Turkey, Pakistan etc. Other countries of East Europe, i.e., Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania became satellite nations to USSR forming the Communist Bloc or the Soviet Bloc.
(26) What were the ideological differencences between the Super Powers?
Ans. The U.S Bloc considered communism as a potential danger to freedom, liberty, democracy and open society. The Soviet bloc, on the other hand, branded the U.S.A. and the capitalist nations as imperialists and exploitative.
(27) Why did the Allies oppose emergence of communist countries in Eastern Europe ?
Ans. In February 1945, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin issued the Yalta Declaration to create a ‘Liberated Europe’. But in disregard of the spirit of the Yalta Declaration, the Soviet Union tried to set up Communist governments in East European Countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Poland etc. These nations converted into Satellites to USSR. Since Stalin had liberated these countries from the Nazis in World War II he imposed communist governments on these countries.
(28) What is Cold War ? Who used the term ‘Cold War’ for the first time ?
Ans. It was the period of conflict, tension and competition between the USA and the Soviet Union and their respective allies from the mid 1940s till 1990s. It is situation where there is no armed struggle but the rivals continue to maintain their peace time diplomatic relations along with their hostility. Bernard Baruch used the term ‘Cold War’ for the first time.
(29) Mention any two characteristics of the Cold War.
Ans. (i) A bitter state of tension and hostility.
(ii) Absence of armed struggle.
(iii) Military alliances and nuclear escalation.
(30) Name any four countries which were in the American bloc.
Ans. Britain, France, Belgium and Italy, Canada, Australia, Greece, Netherlands, Turkey, Pakistan etc.
(31) Name any four countries which were in the Soviet Union bloc.
Ans. Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia were satellites of USSR. Though Yugoslavia and Albania were not directly linked with government in Moscow, these countries also became communist.
(32) Name the three leaders who attended the Yalta Conference.
Ans. Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill.
(33) Which military alliances were formed during the Cold War?
Ans. The Cold War led to the formation of various alliances like :
(i) NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
(ii) SEATO (South-East Asia Treaty Organisation)
(iii) CENTO (Central Treaty Organisation)
(iv) The Warsaw Pact, etc.
(34) How was Germany divided after WW II?
Ans. Germany was divided into four occupational zones each under US, UK, France and USSR. The three western zones administered by UK, US and France were merged to form ‘Federal Republic of Germany’. While the eastern zone controlled by USSR came to be recognised as ‘German Democratic Republic’. West Germany (FRG) was capitalist where as East Germany (GDR) was communist.
(35) How was the emergence of dictatorship in Germany and Italy in the inter – war period responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War ?
Ans. (i) Mussolini and Hitler exploited the discontent among the people and captured power in their respective countries.
(ii) They glorified aggressive militant nationalism and pursued their expansionist policies.
(iii) The League of Nations failed to control their acts of aggression.
(iv) They formed the Rome – Berlin – Tokyo Axis and posed a threat to a world peace.
(36) Which expansionist acts of aggression of the Axis powers led to the outbreak of the Second World War ?
Ans. (i) Germany brought about the unification of all the German – speaking provinces by the annexation of Austria, Czechoslovakia and aggression on Poland.
(ii) Italy annexed Ethiopia in 1936 and Albania in 1939.
(iii) Japan invaded China and by the middle of 1939 occupied three – fourths of its territory.
(37) How did Communism spread to the other parts of the world ?
Ans. (i) Communism spread in East Europe towards the end of the Second World War as these countries were liberated from the Nazi yoke by the Russian army.
(ii) Communist governments were established in Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia and several other East European countries.
(iii) Communism spread to China and Vietnam in Asia and Cuba in North American continent.
(38) What were the consequences of the spread of communism ?
Ans. (i) Caused alarm among the capitalist countries.
(ii) Harry Truman, the President of the US, declared the Policy of Containment in 1947 to check the spread of communism.
(iii) Resulted in the Cold war situation.
(39) Why did Japan invade China ?
Ans. Japanese policy of expansion was another cause of the War. Japan ambitions rose after the First World War. She was determined to dominate the Far Fast. In 1931, Japan intervended in Manchuria and inspite of the League’s opposition, occupied it and set up a government there. Japan started an undeclared war against China in 1931.
(40) Why did America enter into First World War ?
Ans. American naval base in the Pacific Ocean at Pearl Harbour was attacked and destroyed by the Japanese airforce. 3700 people were killed. So on December 8, 1941, USA joined the war on the side of Allies against Japan.
(41) Why did Britain and France follow a policy of appeasement towards Japan ?
Ans. Britain and France followed the policy of appeasement, thinking that the Japanese could be used to weaken China’s communism. Thus, a war was inevitable under these circumstances.
(42) Which group lost World War II ?
Ans. Axis powers comprising of Germany, Italy and Japan were defeated by Allies (Britain, France, USSR, USA)
(43) Who attacked the Pearl Harbour and when?
Ans. The only military force that Japan had to fear was the US Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. On December 7, 1941, Japan under the Premiership of General Tojo, ordered a surprise aerial attack on the Pearl Harbour. The battleships were sunk and the important killed.
Structured Questions
(1) With reference to Britain and France declaring war on Germany on 3rd September, 1939, discuss the following reasons :
(a) Aggressive nationalism of Germany.
(b) Policy of appeasement towards Hitler.
(c) The weakness of the League of Nations.
Ans. (a) Germany wanted to avenge the defeat of World War I and restore its former greatness. The Fuhrer started rearming and adopted large scale militarisation for this purpose. He rendered the Treaty of Versailles worthless as he remilitarised Rhine and attacked neighbouring countries like Austria and Czechoslovakia. Hitler defied the League and signed an alliance, ‘The Berlin-Rome Axis’ with the Italian dictator to pursue world conquest. Also the German citizens preferred pride and glory above peace.
(b) England and France followed a Policy of Appeasement towards Germany. They did not care to enforce the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, so Hitler started to flout it. When Hitler attacked and annexed Austria, Britain and France did not try to stop him. The heads of four nations – Germany, Italy, Britain and France met at Munich in September 1938. It was decided to hand over Sudetanland to Germany. The Czechs were persuaded by them to accept the Munich Pact in the name of world peace. But actually, they were appeasing Hitler at the cost of Czechoslovakia.
(c) (i) The League of Nations was set up to maintain peace in the world. But it failed in its objective.
(ii) League of nations could only impose sanctions and did not have a military force to take action against the defaulters. Moreover the members states were not willing to apply economic sanctions as it affected there economy as well.
(iii) The USA did not become its member, because US Senate did not ratify the Covenant of the League of Nations. (iv) England and France failed to provide good leadership to the League and dominated it only to fulfill their own ambitions. Thus League remained helpless when dictators staged a second World War.
(2) With reference to the causes of the Second World War, discuss :
(a) Rise of dictatorships in Europe.
(b) Armament race and rival group formation.
(c) The immediate cause.
Ans. (a) The rulers of Germany, Italy, Japan believed in aggressive nationalism. They wanted to acquire colonies for their countries to satisfy their nationalist urges and for their economic interests. Italy annexed Ethiopia (Abyssinia) and Albania. Japan annexed Manchuria; Germany annexed its neighbouring states like Austria and Czechoslovakia ; Soviet Russia too pounced upon the weak countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Again there was a war between China and Japan in 1937, and many Chinese cities fell into Japanese hands. The League of Nations failed to check their aggressive policies of territorial annexation. Robomate+
(b) In order to achieve the territorial gains, Italy, Germany and Japan began producing firearms, tanks, warships, aircraft and other weapons of destruction at large scale. The Disarmament Conferences failed to stop the stock piling of arms and ammunition. Also, the League Nations failed in this regard. The European nations began to doubt Hitler’s motives. They formed power blocs for their securities. So, before the outbreak of the Second World War. Europe was divided into rival camps. On one side, there was England, France and Russia and, on the other, there was Italy, Germany and Japan.
(c) The immediate cause of the outbreak of the Second World War was Germany’s aggressive attack on Poland on September 1, 1939. On September 3, 1939, Britain and France declared a war against Germany and there began the Second World War. In August, 1939 Germany signed a non-aggression Pact with Russia.
(3) With reference to the following factors that led to WW II, Explain :
(a) Japanese invasion of China.
(b) Hitler’s invasion on Poland.
(c) Failure of League of Nations.
Ans. (a) She was determined to dominate the Far East. In 1931, Japan intervened in Manchuria and, in spite of the League’s opposition, she occupied it and set up a government there. Japan also started an undeclared war against China in 1931. Japan joined the Berlin-Rome Axis to form the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis to further its policy of expansion and conquest. In 1933, Japan left the League of Nations and started occupying the British and American properties in China.
(b) Hitller invaded Poland in September 1939 for the following reasons:
(i) By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was divided into two parts in order to give a land-route to Poland upto the sea and the Port of Danzing was also given to Poland. Germany wanted to regain her lost territories.
(ii) The city of Danzing was inhabited mainly by the Germans and by occupying Danzing Corridor, Germany could connect with East Prussia.
(iii) Germany signed a Non-Aggression Pact with Russia in August 1939. Poland was accused of committing atrocities against Germans living there. On September 1, 1939, the German armies marched into Poland. France and Britian gave an ultimatum to Germany. In reply, Germany attacked France. On September 3, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Thus the invasion of Poland marked the beginning of the Second World War.
(c) The League was either defied or ignored. The authority of the League was flouted by Japan when it seized Manchuria in 1931; and by Italy when it conquered Ethiopia in 1936. The economic sanctions were of no use against a determined aggressor. Moreover, the member states were not willing to apply economic sanctions as it affected their economy as well. The League failed to maintain international peace and the countries of Europe lost fiath in its usefulness.
(4) With reference to the consequences of the Second World War, discuss the following :
(a) Emergence of new Super Powers and Power Blocs.
(b) Formation of United Nations. (c) Resurgence of Nationalism in Asia and Africa.
Ans. (a) Though England and France were victors but their status and economic position was lowered. Large scale production, minimum loss during the war and possession of atom bomb made the USA as one of the Super Powers of the world. Another Super power was the Soviet Union. The Russian empire was greatly expanded. It included half of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and many parts in Germany. It also emerged as a dominant power in world politics and occupied position of a leader of the Communist Bloc. Two Power Blocs emerged after the Second World War. They were :
(i) The American Bloc
(ii) The Soviet Bloc.
(b) The horrors of the two World Wars and failure of the League of Nations forced the Allied powers to create the United Nations Organisation. The U.N. was established on October 24, 1945 with its headquarters at the New York, the USA to save the coming generation from the scourge of another War. It is the largest organisation with more than 190 member states. It has been there for about 6 decades and serving for peace and mankind.
(c)()The War shattered the colonial empires of Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Italy, etc. A desire of freedom gained ground in the people of the colonies of Asia and Africa. India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaya who were under Britain, became free. The East-Indies became free from the Dutch rule; Indo-China became free from French rule. The British, the French, Portuguese colonies in African continent also set free.
(5) Discuss the consequences of the Second World War under the following headings :
(a) Impact on Germany.
(b) Impact on Japan.
(c) Cold war and group rivalries.
Ans. (a) After the war, Germany became very weak. The war brought the end of Hitler and Nazism. Army of Germany was reduced and most of her economic resources were snatched away from her. Germany was divided into two zones.
(i) The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) commonly known as West Germany was administered by the UK, France and the U.S. with Bonn as the capital. It came under the Capitalist bloc.
(ii) The German Democratic Republic (GDR) known as East Germany was administered by the Soviet Union with East Berlin as the capital. It came under Communists Bloc.
(b) Japan suffered heavily during the war. Atom bombs were dropped on its two cities i.e. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The radioactive dust contaminated earth, water, air; it killed animals and destroyed ecology and also caused diseases like cancer, blindness, sterility. The American army was to occupy Japan till 1952. Emperor Hirohito was left on the throne as a constitutional monarch. All lands acquired or seized by Japan since 1895 were taken away.
(c) Soon after WWII, USA and Russia emerged as Super Powers. Suspicion and ideological differences of the past re-emerged between them and a diplomatic dead lock set in. Both desired to bear their influences over the world leading to a ‘Propaganda War’. Although the two rivals did not actually fight each other, a state of extreme political unfriendliness existed between them till 1990. The world was threatened by ‘Nuclear War’ between US and USSR. This war like situation is termed as Cold war. West European Nations (democratic and capitalist) came to be grouped as ‘American Bloc’ led by USA, where as Stalin had imposed socialist control over East European nations forming the ‘Soviet Bloc’ under the leadership of USSR. The two blocs confronted each other through formation of various military and economic alliances; so the danger of another World War was looming large.
(6) With reference to the causes of the Second World War. Answer the following :
(i) Dissatisfaction with Treaty of Versailles
(ii) Rise of Fascism and Nazism (iii) Policy of Appeasement
Ans. (i) Dissatisfaction with Treaty of Versailles :
(i) The Treaty of Versailles, demanded nexation of German territories and creation of any States.
(ii) This sowed the seeds of bitterness and conflict. In fact, this treaty was based on the spirit of revenge and Germany was forced to sign the treaty.
(iii) All the German colonies wer forcibly been away from her and she was divided into the parts for the benefit of Poland.
(iv) She was burdened with huge war indemnity which she would never pay. Her military power was reduced.
(v) These humiliation gave rise to the spirit of revenge and Germany started looking for an opportunity to do away with the harsh treaty.
(ii) Rise of Fascism and Nazism :
(i) Italy wanted to revive the glory of the old Roman empire. She joined the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1937 and formed a ten years alliance with Germany in 1939 to strengthen her position. (ii) Mussolini established dictatorship in Italy. He opposed the Treaty of Versailles.
(iv) Italy demonstrated her imperialistic designs by attacking Abyssinia. In Germany, Hitler wanted to re-establish the prestige of Germany in the international field.
(v) He flouted the military clauses in the Treaty of Versailles and declared re-armament.
(vi) In 1938, he annexed Austria and dismembered Czechoslovakia. Thus, Mussolini and Hitler drove the countries of the world towards another World War.
(iii) Policy of Appeasement :
(i) Appeasement refers to the policy of conciliating and aggressive power at the expense of some other country. It meant accepting the hostile demands of an aggressive nation to gain peace.
(ii) Britain and France followed the policy of appeasement towards dictatorial countries like Germany and Italy because they felt that the dictators had a real cause of grievance due to the humilating terms of the Treaty of Versailles and if their grievance were removed they would not disturb world peace.
(iii) Further, they wanted to check the rising tide to Communism and Russian Bolshevism. Britain and France feared that Germany would divert towards Russian Bolshevism.
(7) In context of consequences of World War II explain :-
(a) Defeat of Germany and Italy.
(b) Recapture of Territories from Japan (c) Conference of World representatives post World War II
Ans. (a) Defeat of Germany and Italy :
(i) Up to the middle of 1942, the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) met with remarkable success and captured large territories in Europe, Africa and Asia. But by the end of 1942, the tide began to turn against the Axis Powers.
(ii) In November 1942, the Allied forces (Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the USA) recaptured African territories lost by France. This was followed by their victory over Italy. The Allied Powers forced Italy to make an unconditional surrender and sign an armistice.
(iii) In March 1945, the Allied forces moved across the Rhine and dealt a death-blow to the German forces. Hitler was so disapponted with the defeat of Germany that the he committed suicide.
(b) Recapture of Territories from Japan :
(i) After the defeat of Germany, the Allied Powers turned their attention towards Japan. In South East Asia, Japan had won victories over a number of countries and had occupied Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaya, Singapore, Myanmar, parts of New Guinea and Indonesia.
(ii) The British forces liberated Myanmar, Malaya, Philippines and Singapore. In the Potsdam Conference held on July 26, 1945, the Allied Powers asked Japan to surrender, but Japan turned a deaf ear.
(iii) Consequently, America dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 respectively. Japan offered to surrender on the terms of Potsdam declaration and the war came to an end.
(c) Conference of World representatives post World War II :
(i) The horrors of the two World Wars and the failure of the League of Nations led to a meeting of the Big Three- Roosevelt (President of the US, Churchill (Prime Minister of Britain) and Stalin (Premier of the USSR) at Yalta in February 1945. They resolved to convene a conference of the representatives of all nations at San Francisco to draw up the ‘Charter of the United Nations’. This led to the establishment of the United Nations Organisation on October 24, 1945.
Notes for The Second World War
• The WWI end in 1918.
• League of Nation failed to maintain peace.
• Hitler started expansion of his empire consequently WWII started in 1939.
Causes of The World War II
Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles:
• It was very harsh.
• Germany was forced to sign it.
• Germany was burdened with huge war indemnity.
• Her military power reduced.
Rise of Nazism in Germany:
• The democratic government could not succeed in Germany.
• It gave rise to Nazism and Nazi party under Hitler.
• He rejected treaty of Versailles.
• He wanted to restore old prestige of Germany.
Rise of Fascism in Italy:
• Italy was not satisfied after WWI.
• Fascism and Fascist party rise under Mussolini.
• He wanted to restore the glory of old roman empire.
• Like Hitler, He adopted aggressive policy.
Japanese Policy of Expansion and Invention of China:
• Japan and China was the part of allies in WWI.
• Japan developed their navy by 1930 emerged as powerful nation.
• 1931: Japan attacked on China and acquired many territories.
• 1937: again Japan acquired many cities of China.
• 1941: Japan joined axis powers.
America’s Aloofness from European Politics:
• America did not join the league of nation.
• Britain was failed to prevent France.
• America helped rulers of Italy and Germany.
Policy of Appeasement:
• It is followed by the British and France.
• The conquests of Rhineland and Austria incited Hitler to conquest Czechoslovakia.
• To avoid an open conflict England and France held a conference at Munich.
Failure of the league of Nation:
• It was weak.
• Failed to maintain peace.
• Lack of cooperation among members.
• When Italy, Japan, Germany annexed many territories, LON ignored.
Rome- Berlin- Tokyo Axis:
• Hitler annexed man territories.
• European countries formed organisation cause fear.
• 1934: First of all Italy, France and Czechoslovakia formed a bloc(group).
• 1935: France, England and Italy signed a pact to check the rising power of Germany.
• After it Germany also signed pact with Italy and Japan.(ROME-BERLIN-TOKYO axis)
• Europe divided into two rival camps which leads war.
Immediate cause:
• In order to give land route to Poland upto sea and the port of Danzing was also handed over to Poland.
• 1-9-1939: Germany wanted to take it then attacked Poland.
• 3-9-1939: England declared war against Germany. (WWII)
Events of the WWII
• 3-9-1939: WWII started.
• Axis powers: Germany, Italy, Japan, Romania etc.
• Allies Powers: France, England, USA etc.
• 1939-1945: WWII took place.
• 1945: Axis powers had accepted their defeat.
• 7-12-1941: Japan attacked on Pearl harbour.
• 8-12-1941: USA joined war.
• 1943: Italian forces defeated in Africa and Tunisia.
• 1944: Rome was conquered.
• 1945: Mussolini killed.
• 1944: France freed from German forces.
• 1-4-1945: Hitler committed suicide.
• 7-5-1945: German forces surrendered.
• 8-1945: atom bombs were dropped on Japan.
• WWII came to end.
Results of WWII
Immediate Consequences of the War:
• The results of WWII were most destructive than those of the WWI.
• Not only deafeated countries faced problems but also victorious became weaker.
• Impact of War on Defeated Countries(axis powers):
• Germany became very weak.
• Germans people had been killed.
• German army reduced.
• Nazi party were executed.
• Japan and Italy became weak.
• America eastablished constitutional monarchy in Japan.
• Facism came to end.
Effects on allies:
• England and France became weaker.
• They faced economic problems.
• France faced political instability.
Division of the World into two groups:
• British lost leadership.
• America and Russia got leadership.
• World divided into two bloc i.e. democratic and communist.
• Russia wanted to spread communism in many countries.
• America also tried to influence by giving aid to many countries.
• Cold War and the Berlin Blockade:
• After war some situtions created which formed war like atmosphere is called cold war.
• Germany and Berlin were divided in many zones.
• Eastern Germany was under Russia.
• Soviet authorities established a blockade on all land and water resources between west berlin and west germany which leads crises of cold war.
United nations Organisation:
• Formed in 1945.
• To maintain peace
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