Students can refer to the following Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Set C with Answers provided below based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for ICSE Computer Applications. All specimen papers have been prepared covering all chapters given in ICSE Computer Applications book for Class 10. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Solutions.
Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Set C with Answers
Computer Applications
Class X
Attempt all questions
Question 1:
(a) Name the following: [2]
(i) A keyword used to call a package in the program.
(ii) Any one reference data type.
(b) Name the operators listed below:
(i) <
(ii) ++
(iii) &&
(iv) ? : [2]
(c) State the number of bytes occupied by char and int data types. [2]
(d) Write one difference between / and % operator. [2]
(e) Give the output of the following program segment and also mention the number of times the loop is executed:
for (a = 6, b = 4; a <= 24; a = a + 6)
if (a%b ==0)
Question 2:
(a) Define inheritance
(b) Differentiate between searching and sorting. [2]
(c) Write a difference between the functions isUpperCase( ) and toUpperCase( ). [2]
(d) Differentiate between constructor and function. [2]
(e) What are the two ways of invoking functions?
Question 3:
(a) Write a Java expression for the following:

(b) What is the value of y after evaluating the expression given below? [2]
y+= ++y + y– + — y;
whenint y=8
(c) State the data type and value of res after the following is executed: [2]
res= Character.toUpperCase(ch);
(d) Give the output of the following: [2]
(i) Math.floor (-4.7)
(ii) Math.ceil(3.4) + Math.pow(2, 3)
(e) Rewrite the following using ternary operator: [2]
if (bill >10000)
discount = bill * 10.0/100;
discount = bill * 5.0/100;
(f) What is the difference between the Scanner class functions next() and nextLine()? [2]
(g) What are the values stored in variables r1 and r2: [2]
(i) double r1 = Math.abs(Math.min(-2.83, -5.83));
(ii) double r2 = Math.sqrt(Math.floor(16.3));
(h) What is an identifier? [2]
(i) Name the wrapper class of char type and boolean type? [2]
(j) Name the two types of constructors.
SECTION B (60 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section.
[The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either BlueJ environment
or any program environment with Java as the base.
Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic codes so that
the logic of the program is clearly depicted.
Flow-charts and algorithms are not required.]
Question 4: [15]
Write a program to input a number and check and print whether it is a Pronic number or not.
(Pronic number is the number which is the product of two consecutive integers
12 = 3 × 4
20 = 4 × 5
42 = 6 × 7
Question 5:
Design a class to overload a function volume() as follows: [15]
(i) double volume (double R) – with radius (R) as an argument, returns the volume of sphere using the formula.
V = 4/3 × 22/7 × R3
(ii) double volume (double H, double R) – with height(H) and radius(R) as the arguments, returns the volume of a cylinder using the formula.
V = 22/7 × R2 × H
(iii) double volume (double L, double B, double H) – with length(L), breadth(B) and Height(H) as the arguments, returns the volume of a cuboid using the formula.
V = L × B × H
Question 6: [15]
Write a program to input integer elements into an array of size 10 and perform the following operations:
(i) Display largest number from the array.
(ii) Display smallest number from the array.
(iii) Display sum of all the elements of the array.
Question 7:
Write a menu driven program to display the pattern as per user’s choice.

For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed.
Question 8: [15]
Write a program to accept a number and check and display whether it is a Niven number or not.
(Niven number is that number which is divisible by its sum of digits).
Example :
Consider the number 126.
Sum of its digits is 1+2+6 = 9 and 126 is divisible by 9.
Question 9: [15]
Write a program to input 15 integer elements in an array and sort them in ascending order using the bubble sort technique.